Working with text and images

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1 Working with text and images
Working with Word Working with text and images

2 Session Outcomes At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
select and prepare text for publications apply appropriate formatting apply bullets and numbering to lists produce print-outs to meet requirements

3 Fonts Three important things that decide how easy text is to read font, font size font colour. Font size for an A0 poster 18pt - 32pt

4 10 mins Fonts Task – Using the internet - What size font is suitable for a : A0 poster A4 book A5 magazine Website A0 poster 32pt A4 book 12pt A5 magazine 8pt Website 18pt Font size for an A0 poster 18pt - 32pt

5 Fonts Font colour and font style important to assist reading. 5 mins
Legibility: The most legible fonts were Arial, Courier, and Verdana. Comic Sans was found to be the most illegible of the eight fonts evaluated. Attractiveness: Study participants found Georgia and Times New Roman the most attractive fonts. Task – Open a word document and type your name, job title and employer. Copy and paste it 15 times. Change each instance to be formatted to 5 different sizes , fonts and colours. Which do you think is the most legible?

6 Fonts What other formatting effects can be applied to the text? Bold – increase the boldness of the text can emphasise words Italic – making the text italic can also emphasise the text Underline – underlining the text highlights Text Shadow – changes the appearance Highlight text – highlights text selection with specified colour Change the text case – change between upper, lower and toggle case

7 Text alignment For text that doesn’t have that many words to the line, left alignment works best. Right alignment is not as easy to read, because each line starts from a different position. centred is also not as easy to read, because each line starts from a different position. Justified text, where each line is made the same width by adjusting the spaces between letters and words, gives very varied spacing in narrow columns and is more difficult to read.

8 Bullets and Numbering Bullets can make a list of points easier to read. If a list is meant to be read in order, number the points.

9 Session and Homework Work through the Module 6 – Working with Word handbook and skill builders located on LearnZone.

10 Skill Check select and prepare text for publications
apply appropriate formatting apply bullets and numbering to lists produce print-outs to meet requirements

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