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Webinar I: CAPS Services Ecosystem Conference Call # Access code:

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1 Webinar I: CAPS Services Ecosystem Conference Call # 888-844-9904 Access code: 9261592
Welcome. I tend to zoom through content and I am really trying to slow down today. So please let me know if I need to throttle back.

2 CAPS Services A survey ecosystem
Most of us have a background in Biology. When we look at this beautiful image we can recognize the ecosystem elements; Abiotic components like sunlight, water, temperature and biotic components, primary producers, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. The concept of ‘Ecosystem’ has been borrowed to generically refer to a complex network or interconnected system. I chose to go over the entire system as there are PPQ managers and state and federal CAPS partners on this call. You might have seen the coral but not the long thin fish, or the little fish and not the shark. So today I would like to cast a broad net and look at the entirety of the system. There may be some tools that you were not aware of and that you may find to be useful. WAIT

3 The Great CAPS Reef CPHST recommendations CAPS administration
Cooperative Agreements So when we look at this detailed chart created by John Bowers a few years back to describe CAPS processes we could agree that it is a complicated interconnected system. We can identify the biotic components. State Cooperators, SPHDS, NOMS and ADODRs – yes, it is you the participants in this webinar. And we can see as well documentation of behaviors of these residents of the ecosystem, submitting, reviewing and accepting, consuming notifications and reports… In the ecosystem analogy a primary abiotic component is the structure provided by the CAPS Services Applications. WAIT!

4 CAPS Services Survey Planning Approved Methods for Pest Surveillance & Survey Summary Form Survey Results NAPIS Pest Detection Reporting Ad hoc, standard, maps metrics Pest Detection Engagement Pest Tracker If we look at the CAPS Services elements in this graph, it looks like an amoebae or a very simple two dimensional representation of an elephant, we see the structure that organizes and supports the CAPS program. From your perspective, CAPS Services provides forms and interfaces for entering information into databases and you may rely on reports, notifications and templates as data out of the system. The primary functions of CAPS Services are support of: Survey Planning Approved Methods for Pest Surveillance & Survey Summary Form Store Survey Results NAPIS Pest Detection Reporting Ad hoc, standard, maps metrics Pest Detection Engagement Pest Tracker WAIT

5 CAPS Data Survey Data Approved Methods Survey Plans
Similar data grouped in data cans. One authoritative source for any pest or user information displayed on any of the CAPS/NAPIS/Pest Tracker pages. Code Labels CAPS Users Pest Tracker This is a conceptual view CAPS data relationships. The take home message is that CAPS ecosystem is highly standardized and tightly integrated. So information about a user is stored in one and only one place and if this user with data entry role for South Carolina takes the SSC position in Oregon, we change a few profile fields to: update the state display in Pest Tracker, discontinue SC data entry access, allow Oregon data entry and survey summary form access. Approved methods are populated by CPHST scientists, they constrain the survey method choices for priority pest targets listed in the survey summary form, the survey method option that is selected is stored in the survey plans data base and the approved method options are used to create ‘My Survey Templates’ and to validate NAPIS data as users are uploading survey results. Approved Methods for Pest Surveillance was implemented in 2010 and is maintained by CPHST The approved methods provides source data for the AMPS webpages, survey method selection options for filling the survey summary form and is used in validate priority pest data on upload. Survey plans stores the survey summary data. Data dictionaries provide the authoritative descriptors for some approved methods elements like trap and lure and all text descriptors in NAPIS data, excepting the notes. Pest and user names on any CAPS services page refer to the pest dictionary or user profile values. Wait

6 CAPS Services CAPS Resource and Collaboration Site Reference materials and administrative tools National Agricultural Information System CAPS database Pest Tracker Public access to CAPS information 3 Websites 1 User account The three main doors to CAPS Services are…. CAPS Resource and Collaboration Site Reference materials for survey planning and survey administrative tools National Agricultural Information System NAPIS is the CAPS database where states upload data and the CAPS community can generate reports and maps. Pest Tracker Public access to CAPS information with pages for order of magnitude 500 pests with an image, news links and survey maps. And a page for each state with contact information, exotic pest news links and links to state exotic pest resources. All are accessed by one log-in. Once you are logged in to the CAPS site you are logged in to NAPIS and vice versa. Wait

7 CAPS Resource and Collaboration Website
Public Logged In CAPS Resource and Collaboration Website Login required to view sensitive content or to write to database. Much of the content on the CAPS site is publicly available. Walk through content available. Wait

8 Approved Methods for Pest Surveillance
Priority Pest List with Approved Methods A view of the priority pest list By year CAPS Services query format Filters Search/Reset/Download Display Links to detailed survey and diagnostic method information. Leverage the filters – If you are thinking about a commodity survey, use the filter to see all of the priority pests you might include in a bundled survey. Wait

9 AMPS Detail Data Sheet Useful? Dynamic, standard content
General Information Survey – approved method Identification References Detail data sheet standard content maintained by CPHST scientists, Lisa Jackson and Melinda Sullivan who put together approved methods and survey documentation for insect and mollusk priority pests and Melinda Sullivan and Dan Mackesy who provide the same for pathogens and nematodes. Update on CPHST staffing. Each data sheet contains standard sections. General Information Survey – approved method Identification References Source for survey method validation Useful? Wait

10 Survey Summaries Collects survey plans collected for coming year.
Work flow Uses: Program administration Supply procurement Diagnostic resource planning, Metrics/Reporting Data Validation ? In a box is the CAPS Services help icon – clicking will bring up a data definition. For example if you click the help icon fo survey method a popup will appear. Walk through information collected and how it is used. The Survey Summary form for Farm Bill 2017 just opened. There is a change this year, in that the survey names have been prepopulated. SSC fills for CAPS and Farm Bill. This is a policy… Honey Bee special WAIT

11 Survey Summary Data Key fields displayed and downloaded.
All planned surveys link will produce a file with all survey summary elements. The query ‘Survey Summaries’ gives you quick access to filter, and sort planned surveys key information. To access the details – like survey method, survey dates, number of sites and diagnostic resources you will need to download ‘all planned surveys’ from the link at the top of the page. WAIT

12 NAPIS Reports Notifications Data In Maps Survey Data
Database for the CAPS program. Data is owned by the states. A record can represent a single observation or a county level summary. Reports Notifications Maps Data In The National Agricultural Pest Information System was commissioned in 1985 to convert biweekly publications of survey data to electronic data. When I took this position in March of 2007 the focus of NAPIS surveys to exotic pest detection was shifting to focus primarily on pest detection Exotic Pest Pests of State Concern Document by-catch Nursery Inspections A variant of the data in meme is garbage in and garbage out. Data quality was one concern that was raised at the epic National CAPS Committee Meeting of My predecessor primarily checked and corrected dirty data, I guess by checking reports and using his institutional memory to ferret out errors. We took a different approach. Whenever we noted internal inconsistency in a data record, we would write a validation rule to run against incoming data and return an error message to the user doing the upload. We implemented a data testing option to run records against the validation rule prior to loading. In the day, data entry instructions were communicated through ‘data entry worksheets’ in old machine reading format. We wrote validation rules to enforce the requirements in the worksheets. When CPHST began to research and publish approved methods for pest surveillance we were able to check incoming records against external values. Clean data is the holy grail, the quest continues. WAIT CAPS Users Data Dictionaries

13 NAPIS Data Code based County level Summary option Validation
When Where How What Observation Date* State County* Funding Year* Pest* Observation Durationc Latitude Funding Source* Pest Life Stage Confirmation Datec+ Longitude Survey Name* Pest Status* Process Dated Site* Survey Method* Quantificationc Crop Situationc Trap & Lurec Positive Unitsc Who Crop Life Stage Sample Descriptionc Biocontrol Target Data Source* Descriptor Unitsc Diagnostic Labc+ Total Units Checkedc Book Keeping User IDd Confirmation Methodc+ Observation Number* Notes Code based County level Summary option Validation A few words about NAPIS data (more to come next week). Code based County level Summary option Validation rules – 90 rules & AMPS WAIT * Required C Conditional requirement

14 CAPS Services Data out NAPIS ad hoc Survey Summary query NAPIS maps
Data notifications Weekly data entry Survey Summary query All planned surveys My Survey templates Metrics NAPIS reports Survey planning reports Blended reports Accountability report Accomplishments template NAPIS reports NAPIS ad hoc & standard reports NAPIS maps – example in a few slides Survey Planning reports Blended reports – performance Should weave these together a bit more We just talked about adding a filter to the ad hoc reports for priority pests only WAIT

15 My Survey Templates NAPIS data entry templates Targets from Survey Summary My Survey Templates are a flavor of functional report from the Survey Summary data. All surveys in Survey Summary excepting PPQ funded surveys. Honey Bee special option. Elements populated Pest Code Survey Method Code Survey Method Descriptors Trap & Lure Sample Description (x)(y) Descriptor Units WAIT

16 Accountability Report
Summary with filter & download Click on arrow to the left of state name to expand to detail Change request workflow The Accountability report is one of the few existing reports that join the planning data to the NAPIS data. In this report NAPIS data is matched to the funded surveys to allow the ADODRs to verify that data has been entered in keeping with the terms of the CAPS cooperative agreement. Summary with filter & download Click on arrow to the left of state name to expand to detail Change request workflow is in first iteration, workflow features to come with interface merge. Survey summary process and leveraging has quietly expanded over the years. Conscientious SSCs are using it to verify that they have uploaded data for all of their funded targets. The targeted users are ADODRs and Program Managers. WAIT

17 Metrics Dynamically generated from survey summaries.
John’s reports. Dynamically generated from survey summaries. Expanded to include FB PPQ Pest Detection and Pest Surviellance Used to report program investments. Change requests are immediately reflected in the metrics. How might others use program metrics? WAIT

18 Accomplishments Report Template
Dynamically generated .docx Link under the Home menu item State maps coming Dynamically generated .docx Link under the Home menu item Features State maps coming WAIT

19 NAPIS Data Notifications
Published to Pest Detection community. First NAPIS reports of a pest in US, state or county. Includes link to a map Data Notifications are sent to many in the Pest Detection community. Red for first in US or State. Blue for first in County. Link to map – click Upcoming features. WAIT

20 CAPS Services Ecosystem
Accessible Organizational structure Transparent Take home To wrap up I’d like to take a step back and speak to the CAPS Services Ecosystem through a couple of different, move evaluative lenses. In 2007 my primary concerns were the NAPIS database and two static web sites; CAPS and Pest Tracker. In the decade that I have been working with CAPS Services we’ve built the ecosystem I described today. There has been productive collaboration between the CAPS program manager and CAPS Services. There has been give and take on both sides. Though some might think my opinion of myself is inflated, I see my background, educated and worked as a biologist before working on a project to build a custom student services software ecosystem brings a special mix of experience. Some things that are important to us – the coral builders Ease of Use. Our intentional goal is to create interfaces to be as easy to use as ordering from an online retailer. 1 or 2 hours of one on one telephone training is all that has been needed to get a new SSC up and running in the CAPS Ecosystem. Organization communication, tools and enforcement woven into the system –SSCs know to expect the guidelines for the coming year to be published on the CAPS site in April. CAPS Services applications support activities from planning through status reporting. Keep working on it - incremental progress. Example: Trap and Lure – two validation tables were removed after we had some experience – we tend to build things too rigidly. I have to remind myself – we are recording pest detection surveys – we are not doing research. This is where your feedback is so important. If a change would make your work easier – let us know. Implementation of the custom business process applications has supported productivity gains. CAPS program staff has gone from four to two. CAPS Services support staff at 60% of FTE as compared to What is your experience in the states? Has the CAPS Service Ecosystem improved your work experience?

21 What might the future bring?
Uncertainty Staff Changes Administration change In the stream AMPS>Survey Summary>My Surveys>NAPIS Honey Bee type template for all bundled surveys. Data collection app. What might the future bring?

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