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Welcome to Jeopardy FDR Edition.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy FDR Edition

2 Early Life Early Political Career Social Life Presidential Years Legacy 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, at the family home, "Springwood," in this New York city.

4 Hyde Park

5 FDR was the only child of James Roosevelt and his second wife, Sara Delano. Franklin had an older half brother, born to his father and his first wife, Rebecca Howland.

6 James Roosevelt Roosevelt

7 James Roosevelt was born in 1828 and died on December 8, 1900 in New York City at the age of 72. Franklin was eighteen and a freshman at this college.

8 Harvard College

9 In September 1896, at age fourteen, Franklin entered a small boarding school in Massachusetts which prepared sons of wealthy and prominent families for college.

10 Groton School

11 In the autumn of 1907 Franklin became this
In the autumn of 1907 Franklin became this. It was a typical arrangement at the time-no salary the first year and then a small one to start.

12 Apprentice lawyer

13 FDR was elected to this from Dutchess, Columbia and Putnam counties in 1910 and re-elected for a second term in 1912

14 New York State Senator

15 FDR served only a few months of the second term as New York State Senator before President Woodrow Wilson appointed him to this.

16 Assistant Secretary of the Navy


18 In 1920 the Democratic Party nominated this Ohio Governor for President and Franklin D. Roosevelt for Vice President. They were defeated by Republicans Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge.

19 James M. Cox

20 FDR was elected to this in New York State in 1928 and 1930 for two two-year terms.

21 Governor

22 When the United States entered World War I in 1917, Franklin held this civilian post. He was eager to enlist, but President Wilson urged against it.

23 Assistant Secretary of the Navy

24 In September 1918, Eleanor discovered love letters from this women to Franklin and Eleanor offered Franklin a divorce, which he declined for political reasons

25 Lucy Page Mercer Photo courtesy of

26 This was one of FDR's lifelong hobbies
This was one of FDR's lifelong hobbies. His interest began when he was eight years old and his mother passed her collection on to him

27 Stamp collecting

28 Although FDR had many dogs during his lifetime, this dog was the most famous

29 Fala Photo courtesy of

30 Although his love of the sea came from his Delano ancestors who were seafarers, it was his father who taught him how to handle this, the family sailboat.

31 Half-Moon

32 At Groton School, Franklin D
At Groton School, Franklin D. Roosevelt played football and served as manager of the baseball team and at Harvard College he participated in this.

33 Crew

34 In January 1942, representatives of 26 nations met in Washington, DC and signed this Declaration that pledged to win the war against the Axis Powers and started this.

35 United Nations

36 When FDR became president in 1933, he believed that the best way to comfort and inform the public about his administration and its policies was to address them on the radio and were named.

37 Fireside Chats

38 This man was FDR’s vice president during his four term.

39 Harry S. Truman

40 FDR was first inaugurated as 32nd President on this date.

41 March 4, 1933

42 It was a presidential tradition set by George Washington that presidents only held the office for two terms. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected this many times as President of the United States.

43 Four times

44 FDR is also remembered for his this speech, an address to Congress after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

45 "Day of Infamy"

46 With all of the great accomplishments this system was among his greatest accomplishments.

47 Social Security system

48 In 1927, he purchased the resort and converted it to a water therapy treatment center for polio patients. The Warm Springs Foundation became this and ultimately funded the research that led to the polio vaccine.

49 March of Dimes

50 In his first inaugural address, March 4, 1933, FDR said. "
In his first inaugural address, March 4, 1933, FDR said. "...the only thing we have to fear, is

51 fear itself.

52 FDR piloted the country successfully through two major events - World War II and this.

53 The Great Depression

54 Final Jeopardy The Great Depression

55 In his speech accepting the Democratic Party nomination in 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt pledged this “for the American people" if elected.

56 The New Deal

57 N/A 2014 [web] [audio] [audio]

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