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Social Studies Jeopardy

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1 Social Studies Jeopardy
Shane Walker Play Directions Conclusion References

2 Directions Choose a category and number of points you are willing to risk. Read the answer and answer with a question. If you get the question correct, you earn the selected number of points. If you get the question incorrect, you earn 0 points. At the end of the game, the player/team with the most points wins. Play Title Conclusion References

3 Social Studies jeopardy
Bill of Rights Vocabulary Government Citizenship 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Title Directions Conclusion References

4 Freedom of religion, speech, and press
What is the 1st amendment? Check Answer Continue

5 What is the 2nd amendment?
Congress can't stop people from having and carrying weapons, because we need to be able to defend ourselves. What is the 2nd amendment? Check Answer Continue

6 What is the 5th amendment?
if the jury decides you are innocent, the government can't try again with another jury What is the 5th amendment? Check Answer Continue

7 What is the 3rd amendment?
You don't have to let soldiers live in your house, except if there is a war, and even then only if Congress has passed a law about it. What is the 3rd amendment? Check Answer Continue

8 What is the 10th amendment?
Anything that the Constitution doesn't say that Congress can do should be left up to the states, or to the people What is the 10th amendment? Check Answer Continue

9 freedoms protected by law
What is rights? Check Answer Continue

10 a duty that people are expected to fulfill
What is responsibility? Check Answer Continue

11 a change made by correction, addition, or deletion to the constitution
What is an amendment? Check Answer Continue

12 to confirm a bill into law
What is ratify? Check Answer Continue

13 The idea that laws and legal proceedings must be fair for everyone
What is due process? Check Answer Continue

14 Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch
What are the 3 branches of government? Check Answer Continue

15 This branch of government deals with the amendment process
What is the legislative branch? Check Answer Continue

16 This keeps any branch of government from having too much power
What is Checks and Balances? Check Answer Continue

17 For a bill to become law, ____(how much) of the states must ratify it
What is 3/4 of the states? Check Answer Continue

18 They wrote the bill of rights
Who is the First Congress? Check Answer Continue

19 A member of a country What is a citizen? Check Answer Continue

20 Our rights are listed in the _______
What is the Bill of Rights? Check Answer Continue

21 A person who helps other people without pay
What is a volunteer? Check Answer Continue

22 What are responsibilities of a citizen?
Voting, Paying taxes, obeying laws, jury duty, registering for the draft, going to school What are responsibilities of a citizen? Check Answer Continue

23 What is naturalization?
The process of learning the laws of the country and the rights and duties of citizens What is naturalization? Check Answer Continue

Conclusion AND THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!! =) Play Directions Title References

25 References Play Directions Conclusion Title
Standards covered: SS5CG1 The student will explain how a citizen’s rights are protected under the U.S. Constitution. a. Explain the responsibilities of a citizen. b. Explain the freedoms granted and rights protected by the Bill of Rights. c. Explain the concept of due process of law and describe how the U.S. Constitution protects a citizen’s rights by due process. SS5CG2 The student will explain the process by which amendments to the U.S. Constitution are made. a. Explain the amendment process outlined in the Constitution. b. Describe the purpose for the amendment process. Play Directions Conclusion Title

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