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6.8 Review Moon, Earth, Sun.

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1 6.8 Review Moon, Earth, Sun

2 Q1 A ________________________ occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun. A) Solar eclipse B) Lunar Eclipse C) Full moon D) New Moon

3 A1 A ________________________ occurs when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun. A) Solar eclipse B) Lunar Eclipse C) Full moon D) New Moon

4 Q2 A ___________________________occurs at a full moon when the earth is directly between the moon and the sun. A) Partial solar eclipse B) Solar eclipse C) Lunar eclipse D) Partial lunar eclipse E) Annular Solar eclipse

5 A2 A ___________________________occurs at a full moon when the earth is directly between the moon and the sun. A) Partial solar eclipse B) Solar eclipse C) Lunar eclipse D) Partial lunar eclipse E) Annular Solar eclipse

6 Q3 How many planets are currently classified in the solar system? _______________

7 A3 How many planets are currently classified in the solar system?
8 planets (pluto has been reclassified as a dwarf planet)

8 Q4 What is the force that pulls between 2 objects in the universe? ____________________________

9 A4 What is the force that pulls between 2 objects in the universe? GRAVITY

10 Q5 One complete rotation of the moon around earth takes about one _______. A) day B) Week C) Month D) Year

11 A5 One complete rotation of the moon around earth takes about one _______. A) day B) Week C) Month D) Year (approximately 28 days)

12 Q6 One complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes how long? _______________________

13 A6 One complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes how long?
days or 1 year

14 Q 7 The earth spinning on its axis is called what? _______________________________

15 A7 The earth spinning on its axis is called what? ROTATION

16 Q 8 The orbit of an object around the sun is called _________________
A) Rotation B) Revolution C) Tilt D) Solstice

17 A8 The orbit of an object around the sun is called _________________
A) Rotation B) Revolution C) Tilt D) Solstice

18 Q9 The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is ______________________(date) , which is also called the ________________________________________.

19 A 9 The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is June 21 date) , which is also called the Summer Solstice

20 Q 10 The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is ____________________(date), which is also called the _______________________________

21 A 10 The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is December 21 (date), which is also called the WINTER SOLSTICE

22 Q 11 What causes day and night on the earth?
A) Revolution of earth around the sun. B) Rotation on the axis C) Tilt of earth’s axis D) the tides.

23 A11 What causes day and night on the earth?
A) Revolution of earth around the sun. B) Rotation on the axis C) Tilt of earth’s axis D) the tides.

24 Q12 What causes the seasons? A) Revolution of earth around the sun.
B) Rotation on the axis C) Tilt of earth’s axis D) the tides.

25 A12 What causes the seasons? A) Revolution of earth around the sun.
B) Rotation on the axis C) Tilt of earth’s axis D) the tides.

26 Q 13 Be able to recognize what season it is if given a diagram.
If the northern hemisphere is tilted farthest from the sun it is what season? ______________________ If the northern Hemisphere is tilted closest to the sun, it is what season? _________________________

27 A 13 If the northern hemisphere is tilted farthest from the sun it is what season? WINTER If the northern Hemisphere is tilted closest to the sun, it is what season? SUMMER

28 Q 14 Be able to recognize the phases of the moon, label them, and put them in order. Study your moon phase notes and the quiz you got back.

29 Q15 What is the angle of the earth’s Tilt? ________________________________

30 What is the angle of the earth’s Tilt? 23.5 degrees

31 Q16 What do you call it when the amount of daylight and darkness are equal? ___________________________________

32 A16 What do you call it when the amount of daylight and darkness are equal? Equinox

33 Q 17 Which 2 seasons have an equinox? ____________________ & _________________

34 Which 2 seasons have an equinox? Spring & Fall

35 Q 18 What is the main cause of tides on the earth?
A) Earth’s rotation B) Earth’s revolution C) Gravitational pull of sun D) Gravitational pull of moon.

36 A 18 What is the main cause of tides on the earth?
A) Earth’s rotation B) Earth’s revolution C) Gravitational pull of sun D) Gravitational pull of moon.

37 Q19 What do you call a strong tide in which the sun and moon work together in a direct line. ______________________

38 A 19 What do you call a strong tide in which the sun and moon work together in a direct line. SPRING TIDE

39 Q20 What do you call a weak tide. __________________________________

40 A20 What do you call a weak tide. NEAP TIDE

41 Q 21 True or false. The moon, sun, and earth must be in a straight line to cause a spring tide.

42 A21 True or false. The moon, sun, and earth must be in a straight line to cause a spring tide. TRUE

43 Q22 List the planets in order starting nearest the sun. Underline the terrestrial planets and circle the gas giant planets.

44 A 22 List the planets in order starting nearest the sun. Underline the terrestrial planets and circle the gas giant planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (terrestrial) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (gas)

45 Q23 What do you call it when the lighted part (white part) of the moon is getting bigger? ___________________

46 A23 What do you call it when the lighted part (white part) of the moon is getting bigger? WAXING

47 Q24 What do you call it when the lighted part (white part) of the moon is getting smaller? ____________________

48 A24 What do you call it when the lighted part (white part) of the moon is getting smaller? Waning

49 Q25 When waxing, which side of the moon is white?
A) Right B) Left C) neither side is white D) all white

50 A 25 When waxing, which side of the moon is white?
A) Right B) Left C) neither side is white D) all white

51 Q 26 During a _____________________ the Sun, Moon, and Earth need to be in a direct line, and the moon blocks the sun, casting a shadow on a earth. A) Total Lunar Eclipse B) Total Solar Eclipse C) Partial Lunar Eclipse D) Partial Solar Eclipse

52 A26 During a _____________________ the Sun, Moon, and Earth need to be in a direct line, and the moon blocks the sun, casting a shadow on a earth. A) Total Lunar Eclipse B) Total Solar Eclipse C) Partial Lunar Eclipse D) Partial Solar Eclipse

53 Q27 A ______________________occurs when moon & Sun are on exact opposite sides of the earth, and the earth blocks the sun’s light from hitting the moon. A) Total Lunar Eclipse B) Total Solar Eclipse C) Partial Lunar Eclipse D) Partial Solar Eclipse

54 A27 A ______________________occurs when moon & Sun are on exact opposite sides of the earth, and the earth blocks the sun’s light from hitting the moon. A) Total Lunar Eclipse B) Total Solar Eclipse C) Partial Lunar Eclipse D) Partial Solar Eclipse

55 Q28 Who will see a partial solar eclipse? A) those in the Umbra
B) those in the penumbra C) It cannot be seen because it’s partial.

56 A 28 Who will see a partial solar eclipse? A) those in the Umbra
B) those in the penumbra C) It cannot be seen because it’s partial.

57 Q29 Who will see a total solar eclipse? A) those in the Umbra
B) those in the penumbra C) everyone will see it. D) Nobody will see.

58 A29 Who will see a total solar eclipse? A) those in the Umbra
B) those in the penumbra C) everyone will see it. D) Nobody will see.

59 Q30 30) Why are the inner terrestrial planets called terrestrial?
A) They can support life. B) They contain water. C) They are solid & Rocky. D) They are larger than Earth.

60 A 30 30) Why are the inner terrestrial planets called terrestrial?
A) They can support life. B) They contain water. C) They are solid & Rocky. D) They are larger than Earth.

61 Q 31 *Extra - Draw the moon phases in order.

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