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American Foreign Policy: Road from Isolation to Intervention

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Presentation on theme: "American Foreign Policy: Road from Isolation to Intervention"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Foreign Policy: 1933-1941 Road from Isolation to Intervention

2 Essential Question What shaped American foreign policy in the 1930s and to what extent was did it adopt isolationism?

3 FDR’S 1st Term “FDR’s Bombshell” & Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act ‘34 “Good Neighbor” Policy rejects $ Dip. & Roosevelt Corollary – Inter-American Conference 1933, nullify Platt Amendment 1934, trade triples region by ‘41 FDR recognizes USSR – 1933, 1934 agrees to Philippines independence in 10 years Nye Committee releases its findings 1936 Isolationism Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936 & 1937 Senator Gerald P. Nye [R-ND] “Merchants of death”

4 FDR’s 2nd Term “Panay Incident” 1937,Yangtze River, invade China, Rape of Nanking FDR’s hawkish “Quarantine Speech” backlash & preparedness Spanish Civil War – Neutral, “Abraham Lincoln Brigade” Munich Conference 1938: failure of “Appeasement” all of Czech. ‘39 1939 Invasion of Poland – WWII begins Rejection of the Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis 1939 Neutrality Act – “Cash & Carry Policy” America “Arsenal of Democracy” - “Roosevelt Doctrine” Fall of France - Destroyer for Bases Deal – Sep 1940 Selective Service Act of st Peacetime 1.2 million drafted

5 FDR’s 2nd Term America First Committee – formed 1940 chairman General Robert Wood – Lindberg spokesman, Father Coughlin 1940 Election: Roosevelt defeats Wendell Willkie for 3rd Term Lend-Lease Act Dec – Still Neutral? “Four Freedoms” speech Jan. 1941 Atlantic Charter – April 1941 FDR & Churchill post-war principles “Shoot-on-Sight” July 1941 authorized Navy to attack U-boats

6 Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo

7 Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Plane

8 A date which will live in infamy!
Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941 A date which will live in infamy!

9 FDR Signs the War Declaration

10 USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor

11 Pearl Harbor Memorial 2,887 Americans Dead

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