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Sustainable Development as an Advanced ICSTI Programme until 2030

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1 Sustainable Development as an Advanced ICSTI Programme until 2030
68-th session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the ICSTI, 20 September 2017

2 Main objectives of ICSTI are
to "combine and coordinate the efforts of members of the Organization and its partners to provide informational, analytical, consultative and organizational support to international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and business, to progress and social development" (Regulations, Article 5) Olga Andreeva //

3 How to implement main objectives:
by participating in implementation of the Agenda for sustainable development for the period until 2030 (adopted by General Assembly of the United Nations, 25/09/2015) Three dimensions of sustainable development at national and global levels are: economic, social and environmental. All ICSTI Member States signed the Agenda and started financing since 1 January 2016 Olga Andreeva //

4 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) fit with ICSTI main objectives:
to "combine and coordinate the efforts of members of the Organization and its partners to provide informational, analytical, consultative and organizational support to international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and business, to progress and social development“ The National Dedicated Organizations could assist their governments in achieving the following SDGs: - food security and nutrition (Goal 2); healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages (Goal 3); lifelong learning opportunities for all (Goal 4); availability and sustainable management of water (Goal 6); access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy (Goal 7); inclusive and sustainable industrialization & innovation (Goal 9); make cities & human settlements save & sustainable (Goal 11); sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems (Goal15); strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (Goal17) Olga Andreeva //

5 ICSTI activities could assist Member States in achieving the 2030 Agenda:
to "combine and coordinate the efforts of members of the Organization and its partners to provide informational, analytical, consultative and organizational support to international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and business, to progress and social development“ - joint information products and services; creating databases; - supporting commercialization of results of R & D, technology transfer; - preparing analysis and other information in the field of economy, technology and science at the request of the ICSTI Member States; - joint projects in the areas of science, technology and economics; - coordinating research in new information technologies, implementation of projects aimed at the development of the information-oriented society; - accumulating and exchanging of information resources, reflecting achievements, increasing the competitiveness of economy of the ICSTI Member States and implementing commitments in achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, etc. Olga Andreeva //

6 Main steps of ICSTI participation in Member States achieving the 2030 Agenda:
to "combine and coordinate the efforts of members of the Organization and its partners to provide informational, analytical, consultative and organizational support to international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and business, to progress and social development“ Step 1. Launching of the ICSTI Task Group on Science, Technology and Innovation for sustainable development Step 2. Discussing the participation of the National Dedicated Organizations in the ICSTI Task Group and inform about the decision In the case of a positive decision about participation in the ICSTI Task Group Step 3. Delegating representatives to the ICSTI Task Group Step 4. Discussing the draft of the ICSTI roadmap in participating of the Agenda Step 5. The approval of the ICSTI Roadmap at the 69th session in 2018 Step 6. The implementation of the Roadmap by the concerned parties in bilateral and multilateral networking. Olga Andreeva //

7 ICSTI Headquarters has already started:
to "combine and coordinate the efforts of members of the Organization and its partners to provide informational, analytical, consultative and organizational support to international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and business, to progress and social development“ - consultations with the UN Centre in Moscow - consultations with the bodies authorized by the Russian Government to implement Agenda 2030 - the innovative interactive show room “Information and Innovations – for Sustainable Development” - designing International Expert Councils for Sustainable Development - organizing Project Management Department including Office for Sustainable Development and PR Unit - organizing International Centre for Advanced Development “Kreativ” for training of youth and adults in achieving Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4 Olga Andreeva //

8 Olga Andreeva, PhD, Prof., Counsellor //
From a pure source in fine so far we are starting our way! Welcome to the ICSTI Task Group on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Olga Andreeva, PhD, Prof., Counsellor //

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