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Smart healthy livings using GIS

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1 Smart healthy livings using GIS
Shaimaa Ahmed

2 To establish a public health system
Innovative technologies: catering for the needs of its users. ensuring solidarity sustainability competitiveness.

3 Innovative technologies:
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be linked to other database to collect data and establish a health profile based on location (urban zone/area or district) The idea is to collect required data and link them to the code of urban zone or district. This respect the individual privacy and confidentiality

4 catering for the needs of its users.
How can public health policy know and address the needs of the population? This also is linked with GIS and other systems that collect data about the population habits. For example, supermarkets, gyms, pharmacies computers can be linked with a computer network that show: How much organic food is consumed by certain population How many times did they use the gym Do they take their vitamins regularly

5 The computer system respects each individual privacy and confidentiality.
The gathered data will be illustrated on a group of people within a reasonable walking distance of the supermarket, gym …etc or 10 minutes driving by car

6 Also, the system collects data about working habits and how many hours do everyone spend in the office because sitting without moving affect health on the long run. How many weekends and holiday is taken. To respect each individual, the data also will linked to the district that they live in and not to their working places. And any other data......

7 The GIS system will integrated these data into layers that show:
Organic food consumption Working habits Exercise hours Holidays Other health data collected from health facility Then GIS is used to calculate health indicator for urban area/ district and this is collected in a big database.

8 These electronic health indicators are reflected on an online GIS maps for health policy that enables them to predict healthy and non healthy patterns. Also these maps can be shown to health care providers to assure their competitiveness

9 Family record Each facility will have a family record for each family and individual, which enables them to predict their vulnerabilities to any other disease. The health indictors produced by GIS can be an added value here, because based on the address of the patient (urban area/ district), the health care provider can watch his/her healthy and unhealthy habits and he/she can do any medical analysis based on that

10 Healthy idea/ product marketing
When we know where our customers (urban area/district scale), health provider can market their medical product, broadcasting health education programs on TV, cell phones messages and social media such as facebook

11 ensuring solidarity Based on these health indicators+ family history+ individual visits+ social-economic data, we can draw maps that show where are the needy people for health care insurance and how to allocate enough resources. The map has different categories on district or urban area scale: very healthy , healthy area, vulnerable, people at health risk, sick people, very sick people. Or any other categories that enable decision maker to put priorities In addition, these maps can be used for fund raising from other district/urban area that do not face health problem.

12 sustainability An image worth a thousand words.
When health planning and implementation is done correctly, the progress in health care and prevention can be shown in another map. By comparing the situation yearly, the public opinion can be convinced that by following public health policy, they can improve their health. Also this comparison will show which health care provider, give the best services. (competitiveness)

13 Other systems This system will be linked to water networks, a regular sampling (water quality parameters)/ food / air / … other environmental variables that may affect health This sampling is done and uploaded to the GIS. (manually or linked to sensor and GPS units)

14 These maps shows polluted area (air, water, food, noise…
These maps shows polluted area (air, water, food, noise….etc) and thus this technolgy prevent diseased related to the environment

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