Women in Higher Education

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Presentation on theme: "Women in Higher Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in Higher Education

2 Show me the answer...but with drawing only!
Draw the Answer! Show me the answer...but with drawing only! 1) Draw the importance of education. 2) Sketch the feelings of Frances Mary Buss or Dorothea Beale. 3) Draw the atmosphere at a leading British University towards women in 1860.

3 Must Explain two changes which took place for women in higher education between Should Analyse the significance of Oxford & Cambridge in the debate. Could Evaluate the extent to which ‘real change’ was achieved in higher education for & by women.

4 Activity Read pages in Edexcel & 56 in ‘My Student Notes.’ 7 minutes.

5 Dramatise it! We are going to make dramatisations / plays in our cluster groups about the topic we have been assigned. Try to keep the message and content simple. 10 mins. to plan. 2 mins. to deliver. HAVE FUN!

6 Names Topic Anon. How easy was it for young women to go to University? P What was the problem with Oxford and Cambridge? P Why was medicine such a difficult subject to study at University? Studying law – P.56 in ‘My Student Notes’.

7 Audience Peer Assessment
What key themes are highlighted? To what extent are these themes significant? How far were any barriers to female participation that were highlighted in the role-play removed by 1930?

8 Was the change achieved ‘by women’ or ‘by men’?
The Extent of Change To what extent was there change for women in higher education between ? 100% 0% Was the change achieved ‘by women’ or ‘by men’? by men by women

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