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Adaptive Signals & ALDOT

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Signals & ALDOT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Signals & ALDOT
Lessons Learned from U.S. 280

2 ALDOT 280 Project Information

3 Roadway Characteristics
ALDOT 280 Roadway Characteristics -Six-lane divided arterial -Posted speed limit of 55 mph -Daily Volume 60k-90k -26 signals (9 mile segment) -Recurring peak hour congestion -Existing signals utilize time based coordination

4 ALDOT 280 Land Uses Residential Commercial
Single Family Apartments/Condos Commercial Big Box Retail High Turnover Sit Down and Fast Food Restaurants Lodging Office Space (East Central Region Office)

5 What is Adaptive Signal Control?
ALDOT 280 What is Adaptive Signal Control? Adaptive signal control technologies adjust when green lights start and end to accommodate current traffic patterns to promote smooth flow and ease traffic congestion. - FHWA

6 ALDOT 280 Types of Adaptive Signal Control
SCOOT – Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique SCATS - Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System RHODES - Real Time Hierarchical Optimized Distributed Effective System ACS Lite InSync

7 Adaptive Signal System
ALDOT 280 Adaptive Signal System Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) Chosen for all three deployments in Alabama Birmingham (State Maintained) Huntsville Montgomery

8 SCATS ALDOT 280 Australian Uses SCATS firmware
Each intersection has unique personality Some simple changes require personality change Adapts splits and offsets Provides a wealth of data Requires some computer language code writing Utilizes stop line detection (crash delays)

9 ALDOT 280

10 ALDOT 280

11 ALDOT 280

12 ALDOT 280

13 Equipment Upgrades ALDOT 280 Siemens M52 Controllers
Autoscope Video Cameras Ruggedcom Ethernet Switches

14 Video Detection ALDOT 280 Camera angle Camera height
Design calls for 15’ stop line detection zones Intersection lighting during dark hours

15 ALDOT 280

16 ALDOT 280

17 ALDOT 280

18 ALDOT 280

19 ALDOT 280

20 ALDOT 280

21 ALDOT 280

22 ALDOT 280

23 ALDOT 280

24 SCATS systems greatest nemesis?
ALDOT 280 SCATS systems greatest nemesis? Distracted Drivers! aka Jokers with cell phones

25 Distracted Drivers Negative Impacts
ALDOT 280 Distracted Drivers Negative Impacts High cycle lengths Opportunity to become distracted First car leaves stop line, second car just sits Predominately single left turn lanes Signal gaps out then reduces time allocated for next cycle Queues back out into through lanes

26 Other Negative Impacts
ALDOT 280 Other Negative Impacts Driver placement (stop well behind stop line) Sun glare Shadows Emergency Pre-emption

27 FLIR thermal imaging camera
ALDOT 280 Alternate Detection Autoscope Duo FLIR thermal imaging camera Wavetronix

28 Wavetronix Detection ALDOT 280 No more snappy bar
Intersection lighting doesn’t matter Vehicle color doesn’t matter IP addressable

29 ALDOT 280

30 ALDOT 280

31 ALDOT 280

32 ALDOT 280

33 ITS Technologies Deployed To Date
ALDOT 280 ITS Technologies Deployed To Date 8 PTZ Cameras BlueTOAD Autoscope Duo (Test) Overhead DMS @better280 twitter account Wavetronix Matrix / Click 650

34 ALDOT 280

35 ALDOT 280

36 ALDOT 280

37 ALDOT 280 The Wonderful World of Social Media

38 People Really Hate This Road!
ALDOT 280 People Really Hate This Road!

39 ALDOT 280


41 ALDOT 280 BlueTOAD Device Map

42 ALDOT 280

43 ALDOT 280

44 Getting on the right track…
ALDOT 280 Getting on the right track… Tweaking begins Off peak improvements start to appear Still experience saturated conditions on the mainline in the peak hours Tracking travel times through BlueTOAD

45 Getting on the right track…
ALDOT 280 Getting on the right track…

46 ALDOT 280

47 ALDOT 280 ACCESS MANAGEMENT Remove, add, and modify traffic signals
Increase turning capacities Michigan left

48 ALDOT 280

49 ALDOT 280

50 ALDOT 280 The Wonderful World of Social Media

51 ALDOT 280 Other Efforts Alabama Service and Assistance Patrol Expansion Contract wrecker service

52 ALDOT 280 The Next Big Thing Grandview Medical Center

53 Lessons Learned Summary
ALDOT 280 Lessons Learned Summary Detection, Detection, Detection! Camera placement (side fire vs. diagonal) Intersection lighting during dark hours T.O.D. operation during AM peak Travel time detection devices Include remote viewing capabilities Concrete over striping! Don’t be afraid to seek help from the experienced!

54 Remember, you can’t just……
ALDOT 280 Remember, you can’t just…… “Set it and forget it!”

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