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Yes project – leading people into employment

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1 Yes project – leading people into employment

2 Our Organisation CSV

3 CSV- SNAPSHOT National charity
With a focus on supporting some of society’s most vulnerable individuals CSV- our vision is of a society where everyone can participate to build strong and inclusive communities.

4 CSV- SNAPSHOT Client groups involve young people, unemployed, migrating families, creatives, young people NEET, ex-offenders and older isolated individuals Our mission is to enable people to take an active role in their communities

5 Understanding your target group and your limitations
What are your overall aims How to target your group How to keep them interested and engaged in your concept Understanding their barriers to accessing your provision Not creating dependency or creating learnt helplessness Remembering its ok to fail and cushioning a blow is better than not allowing that process clear and easy to understand – Material promotion - think outside of the box. Do things creatively don’t be afraid of allowing the individual to have control over concepts. Try embedding simple SW theories.. Theories can help you understand how people got here and helping with understanding barriers. Solution focus theory – puts the user in control. This way people remain the author of their life Resilience is an important lesson to learn for both staff and users. Its ok to fail occasionally.

6 Keeping it fun and innovative

7 Setting the foundations early – preparation is the backbone of any engagement plan

8 Pathway plan integral to all engagement, Today is a pathway to Employment –
Unemployment Engagement Talent Development Instrument Volunteering /Internship Employed Each person I meet is an inspiration to me but we have limited time so I have chosen Justina as sometimes the people who are on the side lines get missed.

9 Embedding the Theory Cycle
The theory cycle is a process of continuous change and review. Theory cycles 1 presenting the issue 2 2. choice of theory 3. intervention / plan 4. change and review My theory of choice is TA Eric Bernes- 1950 Person centred approach Solution focussed brief therapy

10 Engagement plan theories used
Transactional Analysis is a theory developed by Dr. Eric Berne in the 1950’s. Berne wanted a SIMPLE theory which could be understood and available to everyone . It’s a method to improve communication. people can change we all have a right to be in the world and be accepted Person Centred Approach Solution Focussed Brief Therapy

11 Meet Justina

12 I’m getting there

13 I’m doing things I wouldn’t have done before
I’m doing things I wouldn’t have done before. Meeting new people and having fun.

14 I want to do youth work, I have been given the opportunity to do some free training

15 Justina’s placement is over

16 I went to visit the Queen

17 A Project officer job came up and I bagged it… All that volunteering was worth it… now I can start to make a real difference to young people in crisis.

18 Johari Window Open / free area – what is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by others  Blind area, blind self, or blind spot –what is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know Hidden self area, avoided self-what the person knows about him/herself that others do not know  Unknown area or unknown self – what is unknown by others and self

19 My work Colleagues

20 Justina Still continues to volunteer supporting vulnerable young people and women escaping domestic abusive relationships Plans and delivers gang workshops voluntary for young people at risk Uses her experiences to shape the work she does now with YP An asset to CSV and an inspiration to other young people and women.

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