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Cookies and Sessions in PHP

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1 Cookies and Sessions in PHP
Week # 6

2 Arguments for the setcookie() Function
There are several arguments you can use i.e. setcookie(‘name’ , ‘value’ , expiration , ‘path’ , ‘domain’ , secure); Passing the name and value arguments to the setcookie function will suffice most cookie uses.

3 Argument Explanation Expiration: used to set a specific length for a cookie to be functional. This line of code sets the expiration time of the cookie to one hour from the current moment: setcookie(‘name’, ‘value’, time()+3600); Path and domain: used to limit a cookie to a specific folder in a website (path) or to a specific domain. This line of code limits the life of the cookie so it becomes active while the user is in the user folder: setcookie(‘name’, ‘value’, time()+3600, ‘/user/’); Secure: dictates wheather or not the cookie should be sent over a secure HTTPS connection (value of 1 indicates that a secure connection must be used while the value of 0 means the opposite: setcookie(‘name’, ‘value’, time()+3600, ‘/‘, ‘‘, 1);

4 Creating Cookies Script 9.1

5 Reading from Cookies Script 9.2

6 Deleting Cookies setcookie(‘bg-color’, ‘ ‘, time()-60, ‘/’, ‘’, 0);
Note: the expiration argument may be set to a time in the past. (optional and not required) Another way for deleting cookies: setcookie(‘bg-color’, ‘ ‘);

7 Sessions Sessions are like cookies in which they provide a way for a server to track user’s data over a series of pages. The difference between the two is that cookie information is stored on the client side while session information is stored on the server side. When a session is started PHP generates a random session ID. By default this session ID is sent to the web browser as a cookie.

8 Sessions and Cookies Sessions Cookies
More secure (data is not transmitted between server and client) Easier to create and retrieve Store more information than a cookies Require slightly less work from the server Sessions can work even if user does not accept cookies Persist over a longer period of time

9 Creating a Session PHP generates a default session name PHPSESSID and a value like: PHPSESSID=4bcc48dc87cb4b54d63f99da23fb41e1 If you want to change the default session name you can use the session_name() function. Use the session_start() function to start the session. Session data is stored in $_SESSION array.

10 Code Example for Creating a Session
Script 9.5

11 Accessing Session Variables
Script 9.6

12 Deleting a Session Script 9.7

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