Point EM source in an unbounded domain

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Presentation on theme: "Point EM source in an unbounded domain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Point EM source in an unbounded domain
Solved using the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method with the complete radiation boundary condition (CRBC) to truncate the boundary. Point source in the center of the domain Spatial DG error on the order of 10^{-4} CRBC error is on the order predicted a priori ~3^{-6} In the plots below we clip the error to show that the CRBC error does not contaminate the volume Numerical Mesh Pointwise energy error of the computed solution

2 Point EM source in an unbounded domain
Solved using the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method with the complete radiation boundary condition (CRBC) to truncate the boundary. Point source in the center of the domain Spatial DG error on the order of 10^-8; Any errors larger come from the CRBC CRBC error is on the order predicted a priori Numerical Mesh Pointwise energy error of the computed solution

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