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Polynomial Inequalities in One Variable

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Presentation on theme: "Polynomial Inequalities in One Variable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polynomial Inequalities in One Variable
Let P(x) be any polynomial. Then P(x) < 0 and P(x) > 0 are called polynomial inequalities. To solve polynomial inequalities: Use a sign graph of P(x) Analyze a graph of P(x): P(x) > 0 when the graph is above the x-axis P(x) < 0 when the graph is below the x-axis

2 Find the zeros of the polynomial
Plot the zeros on a number line Test for the signs of P(x) in each interval The solution of P(x) < 0 is x < -1 or 0 < x < 3

3 Activity Explain why this product should not change sign at x = 1.

4 Find the zeros:

5 Example 3. Solve Find the zeros of all linear factors in the numerator and denominator: The solution of f(x) < 0 is –2 < x < 4 or x = 5

6 Example 4. Solve by using a graphing calculator.

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