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Study Guide for Math Unit 1. I can write a number in standard form after hearing it. Someone says, Four thousand, two hundred three. What do you write?______.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Guide for Math Unit 1. I can write a number in standard form after hearing it. Someone says, Four thousand, two hundred three. What do you write?______."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Guide for Math Unit 1

2 I can write a number in standard form after hearing it. Someone says, Four thousand, two hundred three. What do you write?______ Someone says, One thousand, six. What do you write?_______

3 I can write a number in standard form after hearing it. Someone says, Four thousand, two hundred three. What do you write? 4,203 Someone says, One thousand, six. What do you write? 1,006

4 I can write a number after seeing a model (place value drawing).


6 I can write a number after reading the words for it. Five hundred forty ________ Three thousand, one hundred thirty- five________ One thousand six ____________

7 I can write a number after reading the words for it. Five hundred forty __540______ Three thousand, one hundred thirty- five_____3,135___ One thousand six ____1,006________

8 I can name the digit in a given place. Look at the number 4,198 Which digit is in the tens place? _____ Which digit is in the thousands place?____ Which digit is in the hundreds place?____ Which digit is in the ones place? _____

9 I can name the digit in a given place. Look at the number 4,198 Which digit is in the tens place? _9____ Which digit is in the thousands place?__4__ Which digit is in the hundreds place?_1___ Which digit is in the ones place? __8___

10 I know the value of a digit in a number. (Value – what the digit is worth.) Look at the number 5,129 What is the value of the digit 1? ______ What is the value of the digit 9?_______ What is the value of the digit 5? _______

11 I know the value of a digit in a number. (Value – what the digit is worth.) Look at the number 5,129 What is the value of the digit 1? 100 What is the value of the digit 9? 9 What is the value of the digit 5? 5,000

12 I can draw a model (place value drawing) of a number. Draw a place value drawing for: 120 1,405 39

13 I can draw a model (place value drawing) of a number. Draw a place value drawing for: 120 1,405 39

14 I can write a number in expanded form. Write 428 in expanded form. Write 1,098 in expanded form.

15 I can write a number in expanded form. Write 428 in expanded form. 400 + 20 + 8 Write 1,098 in expanded form. 1,000 + 90 + 8

16 I can compare whole numbers. Write = to make the statement true. 428 ____ 482 1,650 ____ 650 50+ 10 ____ 60

17 I can compare whole numbers. Write = to make the statement true. 428 < 482 1,650 > 650 50+ 10 = 60

18 I know whether a number is even or odd. Write even or odd. 429 _________ 122 _________ 563 _________ 330 _________

19 I know whether a number is even or odd. Write even or odd. 429 odd 122 even 563 odd 330 even

20 I can add large numbers. (Also, I can rewrite numbers vertically to solve.) Solve: a)423 + 164 = ______ b)648 + 226 = ______ c)752 + 171 = ______ d)285 + 396 = ______ e)876 + 749 = ______

21 I can add large numbers. (Also, I can rewrite numbers vertically to solve.) YOU MUST WRITE THESE VERTICALLY! Solve: a)423 + 164 = 587 b)648 + 226 = 874 c)752 + 171 = 923 d)285 + 396 = 681 e)876 + 749 = 1,625

22 I can subtract large numbers, but I rewrite them vertically first! a)976 – 451 = _____ b)862 – 428 = _____ c)926 – 673 = _____ d)842 – 569 = _____ e)700 – 432 = _____ f)507 – 329 = _____

23 I can subtract large numbers, but I rewrite them vertically first! a)976 – 451 = 525 b)862 – 428 = 434 c)926 – 673 = 253 d)842 – 569 = 273 e)700 – 432 = 268 f)507 – 329 = 178

24 I can add and subtract mentally when it makes sense to do so. Solve mentally: a)8 + 6 = ____ b)80 + 60 = _____ c)800 + 600 = ______ d)10 – 4 = ______ e)100 – 40 = ______ f)1000 – 400 = ______

25 I can add and subtract mentally when it makes sense to do so. Solve mentally: a)8 + 6 = 14 b)80 + 60 = 140 c)800 + 600 = 1,400 d)10 – 4 = 6 e)100 – 40 = 60 f)1000 – 400 = 600

26 I can write and solve related word problems. Mary had 23 lambs. She got 20 more. How many lambs does Mary have now? _____ + _____ = ______ lambs Now, write a related subtraction problem, using all three of the numbers from the Mary problem. Get your answer to the problem without calculating!

27 I can write and solve related word problems. Mary had 23 lambs. She got 20 more. How many lambs does Mary have now? 23 + 20 = 43 lambs Now, write a related subtraction problem: Mary had 43 lambs. She gave 23 to her friend Jenny. How many lambs does Mary have now? 43 – 23 = 20 lambs (I didnt need to calculate because I could just look at the related problem.)

28 I can write and solve related word problems. (Another example.) I made 620 chocolate chip cookies. I sold 435 cookies. How many cookies do I have left? 620 – 435 = ________ cookies Now, write a related addition problem, using all three of the numbers from the cookie problem. Get your answer to the problem without calculating!

29 I can write and solve related word problems. (Another example.) I made 620 chocolate chip cookies. I sold 435 cookies. How many cookies do I have left? 620 – 435 = 185 cookies Now, write a related addition problem: I bought 185 cookies. Then I bought 435 more cookies. How many cookies do I have now? 185 + 435 = 620 cookies (I didnt need to calculate because I just looked up at the related problem.)

30 I can find the cost of two or more items. I bought a pair of soft socks for $3.55 and a shirt for $9.50. How much do the two items cost altogether? If I pay with a $20 bill, how much change will I get back? (How much money will I get back?)

31 I can find the cost of two or more items. I bought a pair of soft socks for $3.55 and a shirt for $9.50. How much do the two items cost altogether? $3.55 + $9.50 = $13.05 If I pay with a $20 bill, how much change will I get back? (How much money will I get back?) $20.00 - $13.05 = $6.95 back




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