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Place value & Expanded form

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1 Place value & Expanded form
CHAPTER 1 Place value & Expanded form BY M.Veerasakdi Leotsopha

2 Warm up ! Guess Your number ! Guess My number !

3 Objectives 1. Be able to read numbers to hundred thousand
2. Be able to identify the place value of each digit in numbers up to one hundred thousand 3. Know how to write a number in word form

4 Vocabulary 1. Recognise = to identify / prove
Chapter 1: Number up to 100,000 1. Recognise = to identify / prove 2. Place value = the position of a single digit in a whole number 3. Ten Thousands = place value of digit ten thousand 4. Thousands = place value of digit thousand 5. Hundreds = place value of digit hundred 6. Tens = place value of digit ten 7. Ones = place value of digit one 8. Numerals = symbols or mark used to represent a number 9. Number name = express numbers in words 10. Expanded form = the sum of each digit

5 11. Comparing = to describe something as similar
12. Ordering = the way in which things are arranged 13. Ascending order = arrange from smallest to largest 14. Descending order = arrange from largest to smallest 15. Successor = the number that comes just after 16. Predecessor = the number that comes just before 17. Rounding off = to estimate 18. Estimation = approximation 19. Sum of = to combine two things or more 20. Difference of = left over from subtraction 21. Wrap up = conclusion

6 What digit is in the hundred’s place?
7 4 3, 9 8 2 9

7 What is the value of the underlined digit?
7 4 3, 9 8 2 Ten thousand

8 What is the value of the underlined digit?
7 4 3,9 8 2 Thousand

9 What is the value of the underlined digit?
74 3,9 8 2 Hundred thousand

10 What is the value of the underlined digit?
7 4 3, 9 8 2 Hundred

11 What is the value of the underlined digit?
7 4 3, 9 8 2 Ten

12 What is the value of the underlined digit?
7 4 3, 9 8 2 One

13 Place Value Page 7 A. Write in words the place value ……….
43,102 = Hundreds , = Tens 49,325 = Hundreds , = Tens 41,978 = Thousands , = Ones 89,032 = Ten thousands , = Thousands B. Answer the following questions………. 1. Hundreds , Thousands , thousands , 4. Hundred Thousands

14 Page 7 C. Recognize the place value of numbers ……….
What are the place value of each digit in 37,985 a) The digit 5 is in the ones place. b) “_____” 8 “_____” tens “_____” c) “_____” 9 “_____” hundreds “_____” d) “_____” 7 “_____” thousands “_____” e) “_____” 3 “_____” ten thousands“_____” 2. What is the value of each digits in 87,563………. Digit “ 3 ” = 3 ones , b) ) Digit “ 6 ” = 6 tens Digit “ 5 ” = 5 hundreds d) Digit “ 7 ” = 7 thousands e) Digit “ 8 ” = 8 ten thousands

15 Page 7 - 8 3. What do the digits in 45,289 stand for ?
Digit “ 9 ” stands for 9 ones , b) ) Digit “ 8 ” stands for 8 tens Digit “ 2 ” stands for 2 hundreds d) Digit “ 5 ” stands for 5 thousands e) Digit “ 4 ” stands for 4 ten thousands 4. Fill in each blanks with the correct answer. a) In 34,902 the digit 9 is in the hundreds place. b) In 78,234 the digit 7 is in the ten hundreds place. c) The 56,291 , the digit 6 is in the thousands place. d) The 85,920 , the digit 8 is in the ten thousands place.

16 5. In 87,213 Page 8 The place value of the digit “ 2 ” is hundreds place . The value of the digit “ 2 ” is 2 hundreds. The place value of the digit “ 2 ” is hundreds place . The value of the digit “ 2 ” is 2 hundreds. 6. In 25,734 The place value of the digit “ 5 ” is thousands place . The value of the digit “ 5 ” is 5 thousands . 7. In 73,906 The place value of the digit “ 6 ” is ones place . The value of the digit “ 6 ” is ones .

17 Page 8 8. In 56,923 The place value of the digit “ 5 ” is ten thousands place . The value of the digit “ 5 ” is 5 ten thousands . 9. In 93,021 The place value of the digit “ 9 ” is ten thousands place . The value of the digit “ 9 ” is 9 ten thousands .

18 Expanded form Page 9 Ex.1.4 A. Fill in the blanks.
1. 7 hundred thousands ten thousands thousands + 9 hundreds + 2 tens ones. x 100, x 10, x 1, x x , , ,

19 Page 9-10 B. Write in the expanded form.
300, , , 800, , , 300, , , 80, , C. Match the following. 1) c , 2) d , 3) f , 4) e , 5) a , 6) b

20 Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 Math Racing Games

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