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Introductio To Medical Terminology

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2 Introductio To Medical Terminology


4 Basic Elements of a Medical Word
Word Root Suffix Combining vowel Prefix Combining form These four parts of a word are known as ELEMENTS

5 Word Root All words have at least one word root.
A word root may be used alone or combined with other elements to form a complete word. The word root usually refers to a body part. Some root words are derived from the Latin or Greek language. IE: SPEAK (word root) + ER (suffix) = SPEAKER (complete word)


7 Stomato = mouth stomatitis
Dento = teeth dentist Glosso/linguo = tongue glossitis, lingual nerve Gingivo = gums gingivitis Encephalo = brain encephalitis Gastro = stomach gastritis Entero = intestine gastroenteritis Colo = large intestine colitis, megacolon Procto = anus/rectum proctitis, proctologist Hepato = liver hepatitis, patomegaly Nephro/rene = kidney nephrosis, renal artery Dermo = skin dermatitis Rhino = nose rhinitis (runny nose!)

8 suffix A suffix is added to the END of a word root or combining form to modify its meaning. By adding a suffix to the end of a word root, we create a noun or adjective with a different meaning.

9 Suffixes


11 Combining vowel A combining vowel is used between a word root and a suffix that begins with a consonant (not a vowel). This is to make pronunciation easier. Word root: scler / (hardening) Suffix: / derma (skin) Term: Scler / o / derma (hardening of the skin) Combining vowel




15 Meanings of some certain suffixes
-al pertaining to dent/al (pertaining to teeth) -er one who speak/er (one who speaks) -able capable of being playable (capable of being played)

16 -scope (instrument to view)
-rrhexis (rupture) -rrhea (flow or discharge) -scopy/-scopic to look, bserve,colonoscopy (look into colon) -malacia Softening Osteomalacia -porosis Porous Osteoporosis -graphy/-graph recording an image mammography (imaging the breasts) -gram the image (X-ray) mammogram -megaly enlarged, megacolon (abnormally large colon = large intestine) -pexy surgical fixture -rrhaphy suture all begin with a consonant, therefore a combining vowel must be used between the word root and the suffix.

17 -algia/algesia (pain), Myalgia, arthralgia, analgesia
-edema (swelling) -uria (urine, urination) -oma (tumor) hematoma (blood tumor) -itis inflammation tonsillitis, appendicitis -osis abnormal condition, cyanosis (of blueness, due to cold or low oxygen) -osis abnormal hardening, Sclerosis -ology/-ologist study, specialize in, cardiologist, nephrologist (study of the heart, the kidneys) -otomy cutting into -ostomy surgical create an opening These suffixes begin with a vowel, therefore a combining vowel is NOT used between the word root and the suffix.


19 Singular & Plural Endings
Words ending Singular plural -a vertebra vertebrae -ax thorax thoraces - ex or -ix appendix appendices apex apices -is metastasis metastases diagnosis diagnoses testis testes -ma sarcoma sarcomata -nx phalanx phalanges -on ganglion ganglia -us nucleus nuclei -um ovum ova -y biopsy biopsies

20 Determining Meanings on the Basis of Word Parts
An example to take apart

21 Prefixes

22 A/an (without), noneanemia(literally no blood but means few red cells)
A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed BEFORE a word or word root to alter its meaning or create a new word. Some prefixes: Hyper (excessive) Hypo (under) Pre (before) Peri (around) Post (after) Homo (same) Hemi (half) A/an (without), noneanemia(literally no blood but means few red cells) Micro (small), microstomia Macro/mega (large), (abnormally largemouth), macrostomia

23 Ultra- in excess or beyond
Intra within Contra against Anti against Ante before, in front of Trans across Retro behind Circum- around Dia through Neo new Dys painful, difficult Auto self Brady slow Tachy fast

24 Hypoinsulinemia Hypo / insulin / emia Low Insulin Blood
Prefix Root Suffix Low Insulin Blood Notice that there is no combining vowel in this word because the prefix ends with a vowel and the suffix begins with a vowel


26 Combining Forms IE: gastr / o pronounced GASTRO.
Correct pronunciation of medical words is important. In order to make the pronunciation of word roots easier, sometimes it is necessary to insert a vowel after the root. The combination of a word root and a vowel is known as a COMBINING FORM. Combining forms consist of a combining vowel. The combining vowel is usually an “o”, but others may be used. IE: gastr / o pronounced GASTRO. Word root combining vowel

27 When a word has more than one root, a combining vowel is used to link the root to each other.
Slashes separate elements IE: Osteoarthritis oste/ o / arthr/ itis R C R Suffix

28 Leukocytopenia cyt / (cell)
By understanding the meanings of word roots, one can determine the meaning of complex medical terms by putting together the smaller parts. Leukocytopenia Word Roots: Leuk / (white) cyt / (cell) Combining Vowel / o / Suffix: / penia (decrease)



31 Directional Terms Anterior/Posterior Inferior/Superior Proximal/Distal
Cephal/Caudal Ventral/Dorsal Lateral/Medial (Terms that locate position of structures, surfaces, and regions of the body)




35 Abbreviations BP blood pressure p after (post)
CBC complete blood count x times (i.e. 3 x week) CT computerized tomography > greater than ECG EKG electrocardiogram < less than EENT Ear,eyes,nose, throat = equals HR heart rate + plus, positive ICU intensive care unit - minus, negative MI myocardial infarction ~ approximately MRI magnetic resonance imaging down:decrease up:incre NEG negative ROM range of motion Rx prescription stat. immediately, at once Sx symptoms Tx treatment US ultrasound y/o years old s without a before (ante)

36 The Questions!








44 Body Structure Integumentary System Gastrointestinal System Respiratory System Cardiovascular System Blood, Lymph, and mmune Systems Musculoskeletal System Genitourinary System Female Reproductive System Endocrine System Nervous System Special Senses

45 References Medical terminology, barbara cohen

46 Thank You

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