Tracking time spent here with us today WO# Task code: 886

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking time spent here with us today WO# Task code: 886"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Project Schedule Training FAMIS Schedule, % Complete, Milestones
Tracking time spent here with us today WO# Task code: 886 Professional development

2 Agenda Training Objectives FAMIS Versions Planned & Actual Schedule
Project Milestones Project % Complete Project Status Start of Construction Customer Survey Substantial Completion

3 Ground Rules Active listening Cell phone use – emergencies only
Participate & share your knowledge! No side conversations Ask questions Be respectful of others’ learning

4 Training Objectives Participants will…
maintain accurate project schedule information in FAMIS. understand the tasks and activities associated with project milestones and percent completion. ensure all requirements are met prior to starting construction.

5 FAMIS Versions Schedule updates require new versions in FAMIS
Versions must be authorized Instructions in procedure

6 Capital Project Schedule
Planned dates Anticipated start and end of activities Construction/Occupancy/Closed should be entered as soon as possible Construction planned end – only changed through a change order (when in construction) Actual dates The true dates in which project activities began or ended

7 Labor charged, no rate taken for study only
Study & Estimate Planned Schedule Actual Schedule Begin End % Complete/Notes Study NOTE: Best practice, close the CP and create a new one if it goes into design Labor charged, no rate taken for study only Estimate What: The date the PM completed the study and provided deliverables to the client. Date on the published study What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned. What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned. What: The date the PM identifies the study will be completed. Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Project Manager Example: 06/01/2013 Example: 09/15/2013 Example: 06/01/2013 Example: 08/31/2013 What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned. What: This date is 45 days after Planned Start date. What: The date the PCA is sent out. Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Business Office Example12/01/13 Example: 01/14/14 Example: 12/01/2013 Example: 01/22/2014

8 Design & Bid Planned Schedule Actual Schedule Begin End % Complete/Notes Design Note: Self- performed, PDC Business office enters end date when sending PR to Project Services Bid What: The date the PM identifies after discussion with customer and design team. What: The date the PM released the project goes out to bid or the first bid package released on a CM or ICM project. What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned. What: The date the CP is created and the project team has been assigned. Who: PDC Business Office Who: PDC Business Office/PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Business Office Example: 03/01/2014 Example: 10/01/2014 Example: 03/01/2014 Example: 10/05/2014 What: The date the PM released the project goes out to bid or the first bid package released on a CM or ICM project. What: The day the bid was received or this will be the last bid package on a CM or ICM project. What: The date the PM plans to release the project out for bid. What: The date the PM plans to receive the bids. Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Business Office/ PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Example: 10/01/2014 Example: 11/01/14 Example: 10/05/2014 Example: 11/01/2014

9 Construction, Occupancy, Closed
Planned Schedule Actual Schedule Begin End Construction Occupancy What: Anticipated date the PO will be issued (PO jobs), or that date the contract will be signed (GC minor and majors), or the date the first buy out is processed, FRP, ICM), also the date the project status changes to RELCON What: The substantial completion date in the contract NOTE: The Planned End can only change by change order and a new version of the schedule needs to be created. What: The date the PO was issued (PO jobs), or that date the contract was signed (GC minor and majors), or the date the first buy out is processed (CM, FRP, ICM), also the date the project status changes to RELCON What: The date the project WAS substantially complete Who: PDC Project Manager/ Project Administrator Who: PDC Project Manager/ Project Admin Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Example: 12/01/2014 Example: 11/10/2015 Example: 12/10/2014 Example: 11/05/2015 What: The date the last WO that the PM can close, is closed. *If a WO was initiated by CPA or PDC Business Office they are responsible to close those WOs What: The substantial completion date in the contract What: 9 months after Planned Occupancy Begin What: The date the project WAS substantially complete Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Example: 11/10/2015 Example: 08/10/2016 Example: 11/05/2015 Example: 10/30/2016 Closed What: The date 3 months after the Planned Closed Begin date What: The date the last WO that the PM can close, is closed. *If a WO was initiated by CPA or PDC Business Office they are responsible to close those WOs What: The date PDC BO or CPA close the project. What: 9 months after Planned Occupancy Begin Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: PDC Project Manager Who: Fiscal Officer Example: 08/10/2016 Example: 11/10/2016 Example: 10/30/2016 Example: 11/15/2016

10 Project Milestones: % Complete
Design Percent % Complete Purpose: Certain milestones of a project’s design phase must be updated in the FAMIS schedule to ensure activities such as charging the design/consult rate are met. 100% = PO & Minor Project, Design/Consult Rate is extracted from the project* 6.5% non-grant funded project, see policy for grant-funded project 100% = Major Project, half of the IPF Professional Services Rate (3.5%) is extracted from the project*

11 Project Milestones: % Complete
Construction Percent % Complete Purpose: Updating percent complete of construction in FAMIS ensures IPF Professional Services Rates are charged on time, reports are accurate, and project close out activities are executed. 0-96% = Percentage Complete of the Capital Project’s Construction based on PDC PMs estimate 01% = Mobilization of construction activities 75% = IPF Professional Services Rate is extracted from the project* PO & Minor Project, 3.5% non-grant funded projects, see policy for grant-funded project Major Project, remaining half of IPF Professional Services Rate (3.5%)

12 Project Milestones: % Complete
97% = Construction on all Capital Project types reached Substantial Completion. Notice of Substantial Completion needed; Warranty begins; Space is operation and can be occupied PDC Project Manager changes the project status to SUBSTCOMP in FAMIS PDC Project Manager changes the construction % complete to 97% PDC Project Manager enters the actual Substantial Completion date into the actual end of construction field and the actual start of occupancy field in the FAMIS schedule. PM begins using Closeout task code on timesheet 98% = Final Payment made to the Contractor for all Capital Project types. Contractors PO must have a zero balance, confirm no outstanding change orders/payments. (Change orders must be completed prior to final payment to contractor or consultant to remove excess balance) PDC Project Manager updates the Construction % compete to 98%

13 Project Milestones: % Complete
99% = IPF work orders are all closed for all Capital Project types. All work orders generated by PM/SME must be closed (except EAS Time or WOs opened by PDC Business Office/CPA for their use) All PO balances must be deducted, changes and invoices complete PDC Project Manager updates the Construction % complete to 99% PDC Project Manager enters 99% date into actual end of occupancy field and actual start of closed field. PDC Project Manager changes the Assigned To field in FAMIS to the PDC Business Office to trigger remaining close out activities. (See 99% Complete Task instructions)

14 Project Milestones: % Complete
100% = Capital Project is complete and budget balanced. Fiscal Officer updates Closed % complete to 100%, adds the actual closeout end dates, and changes project status to Closed *See IPF Professional Services/Design Consult Rates Policy

15 Project Milestones: Project Status
Status changes should align with actual start/end dates in project schedule InEst/Estrel Study InDes OutBid Relcon Substcomp Closed

16 Project Milestones: Start of Construction
Requirements before Release for Construction (Relcon) Contractor Purchase Order (POs only) Insurance Bonds (PO/Contracts >$50,000) Executed Contract (majors/minors) BOT Approval (majors only) Customer Approval to proceed Start of Construction Date & Relcon Status Entered by Project Administrator Only once all required documents are received

17 Project Milestones: Customer Survey
Major project: 100% Design Complete All project types: 97% Construction / Substantial Completion *Requestor field in FAMIS – contact person

18 Project Milestones: Substantial Completion
Statement that the constructor has completed their work necessary for the building to be used for its intended purpose Substantial Completion Notice All projects IPF Form PDC Project Manager Certificate of Substantial Completion New Construction/Additions Consensus Docs/AIA Created by consultant, signed by contractor & owner

19 Training Objectives Participants will…
maintain accurate project schedule information in FAMIS. understand the tasks and activities associated with project milestones and and percent completion. Ensure all requirements are met prior to starting construction.

20 Resources Capital Project Schedule Procedure (email)
Creating New Versions Planned & Actual Schedule Template Design and Construction Percent % Complete Major Project – Board of Trustees Steps Start of Construction and Release for Construction (RELCON) Notice of Substantial Completion (SUBSTCOMP) Project 99% Complete Task

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