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Mount Etna.

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1 Mount Etna

2 Mount Etna Mount Etna is located on flat land on the island of Sicily.
Mount Etna is 3,329 metres tall. The volcano has an ultra prominent peak.

3 Mount Etna The latest eruption of Mount Etna occured on the 3rd of December 2015 This eruption was hazardous to human life on the island. One airport was closed and ash caused destruction in two villages. These are situated on the slopes of the volcano due to the fertile soil

4 Mount Etna Mount Etna is the tallest mountain south of the Alps in Italy and it has one of the highest eruption frequency in the world The volcanic eruptions have killed approximately 70 people The most violent eruption occured in 1669 Mount Etna is around 300,000 years old Mount Etna is usually covered in snow and has a total area of 740 square kilometres The lava on the side of the mountain is extremely old and resembles the terrain of mars

5 Mount Etna Despite and possibly because of it’s eruptions the volcano is one of Italy’s most popular tourist attractions Vulcan was the Roman God of metalworking and fire and the Romans believed his workshop was at the base of the mountain. The word ‘volcano’ comes from his name.

6 Mount Etna
The nickname for Mount Etna is Mongibello, it means beatiful mountain in Italian

7 The End

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