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Daily life in ancient china and Egypt

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1 Daily life in ancient china and Egypt
By Nick fluke and Sam Lazarevski

2 Marriage, love and childbirth in Ancient China.
Teaching, lies at the root of china’s marriage and love. The women had to obey the men in the family as men were thought to be the dominate sex.  There has been a popular saying in China that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with success in the imperial examination, marriage and the birth of a son.  Traditional wedding in ancient china

3 Childbirth and love in ancient Egypt
All woman would give birth on two bricks which were decorated, the bricks were 14 inches by 7 inches. Love played a big role in Egypt it was thought to be very important because of it was who you would have your first child with. Most men were married by the age of twenty to girls who might have been as young as fifteen. There was an age difference, but usually not more than two or three years. Weddings in ancient Egypt

4 Music, dance and entertainment in Ancient China
Traditional Chinese music can be found to be traced back to 7,000 to 8,000 years ago. Based on a discovery of a bone flute made in the Neolithic time. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties only royal families and respected officials enjoyed music which was made on chimes and bells Traditional dance and music being played by ancient women for there husbands.

5 Music and dance in ancient Egypt
Instruments such as harps, lyres, lutes and percussion instruments like drums rattles and tambourines were used in ancient Egypt. They would dance in joyful situations like getting a new king. Unlike in ancient China both sexes were allowed to dance and make music. Dances by the ancient Egypt were expressive, some dances would be made about their pharaoh or brave things done. Music was used in religious ceremonies, workers would also use music to make work less harder.

6 Foods and water in ancient china
*meats *fish *tofu *tuna *chicken *wheat *rice When you think of Chinese food you think of rice, and rice was the first grain that people farmed in China. There is a lot of evidence of rice farming along the Yang-tse River by about 6000 BC. 

7 Foods and water in ancient Egypt
The ancient Egyptians loved garlic. They also ate green vegetables, lentils, figs, dates, onions, fish, birds, eggs, cheese, and butter. Their staple foods were bread and beer.

8 Laws and punishments in ancient China
Chinese sources for crimes and punishments are extremely diverse but are primarily texts such as royal decrees, administrative texts, such as court proceedings, and private texts, including biographies or letters. Most legal texts are from the least commonly period Dynasties 18th to the 20th Which makes comparison with other times difficult. A written criminal law code did not exist.

9 Laws and punishment in ancient china
It was both the spirit and the intent of Han Fei’s legalism, as it came, from time to time, to dominate Chinese law, that punishment for all crimes would be harsh and universal. With no exceptions, every country and culture in world has experimented with cruel and unusual punishments some still stand.

10 Communication in ancient Egypt
The Egyptians began to form a pictographic written language about 5000 years ago, which they continued to use for more than 3500 years, until about 400 AD. Eventually, the pictures they used to represent words came to represent sounds. These symbols, hieroglyphs were adapted for use in everyday life, and to their important religious beliefs

11 Communication in ancient China
The Shang Dynasty that many important things were invented. Two of the most important was the use of bronze weapons and a system of writing called calligraphy. The common writing is that in China evolved from earlier non real symbolic systems. During the Late Neolithic period, many symbols or pictograms started to be increased on pottery and jades. These symbols are thought to be family or clan emblems that identify the ownership or responsibility of the pottery or jades.

The ancient Chinese were very advanced in medicine. They had many thousands of years to experiment. One ancient Chinese legend tells of the heavens sending wise kings down to earth to help man survive in the new world. Another legend says that one of these kings was a taster. 

13 Health and medicine in ancient Egypt
If one had to be ill in ancient times, the best place to do so would probably have been Egypt. Not that an Egyptian's chances of survival would have been significantly better than those of his foreign contemporaries, but at least he had the satisfaction of being treated by physicians whose art was renowned all over the ancient world. 

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