Swimstart DVD Order Form

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1 Swimstart DVD Order Form
Cerebral Palsy Sport has produced a DVD learning resource for swimming teachers, coaches, parents, companions, occupational therapists and physiotherapists as an introduction to swimming with cerebral palsy. This learning resource for swimming is one of the many ways we are working towards the vision that everyone with a physical disability is able to access the sport of their choice. The DVD contains information and advice on how to enhance the support provided to swimmers with a physical disability. By adopting the simple techniques demonstrated, you will improve the experience for swimmers with which you work by improving confidence when working with swimmers with cerebral palsy. Target Audience: Swimming Teachers & Coaches, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Parents/Guardians, Qualified Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Duration: Approx. 30 minutes. Cost: £10 including VAT and delivery. Delivery outside of mainland Great Britain will incur a surcharge. Please contact the office for details. Ordering: To order a DVD, please complete and return the below to or Cerebral Palsy Sport, Unit 5, Heathcoat Building, Nottingham Science & Technology Park, University Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 2QJ.

2 Swimstart DVD Order Form
Purchase Order No: (If applicable) Number of DVD’s Required: Organisation: Contact Name: Invoice Address: Post Code: Tel. No: Delivery Address: (If different to the above) Add to Mailing List: Yes/No Interested in Membership: Yes/No Please return order form to: Cerebral Palsy Sport 5 Heathcoat Building Nottingham Science & Technology Park University Boulevard Nottingham NG7 2QJ Tel. no: CP Sport Ltd. Is a Limited Company registered in England and Wales, no Registered office as shown. Registered Charity No: VAT no

3 Swimstart DVD Order Form
General Data Protection Privacy Statement Cerebral Palsy Sport take your privacy seriously and we will only use your personal information to provide the services and products that you have requested from us. We would like to keep in touch with you from time to time about the vital work we do for people with cerebral palsy, our participation opportunities, fundraising appeals as well as the services and products you can buy. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please circle to say how you would like us to contact you: Post E-Newsletter Telephone Text Message We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. You can change your mind at any time by or clicking the unsubscribe links if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters. For further details of how your data is used and stored: CP Sport Ltd. Is a Limited Company registered in England and Wales, no Registered office as shown. Registered Charity No: VAT no

4 Swimstart DVD Order Form
Cheque/payment must accompany the order unless ordering through Local Authority/Local Education Authority or other official ordering systems, with official purchase order numbers. Payment Options: Please invoice for payment I have made a BACS payment: Ref ………………………. (Account Name: CP Sport. Account number: Sort Code: Name of Bank: Lloyds) I have enclosed a cheque made payable to CP Sport I wish to pay by Credit / Debit Card Card Type: Credit / Debit (please delete as appropriate) Card Number: (If you are returning this form by , please call the office to pay rather than completing this section.) Card Start Date: _ _ / _ _ Card End Date: ­_ _ / _ _ Issue Number (Switch card only): _ _ Card Security Number: (last 3 digits on signature strip) Cardholder’s name and contact details (if different from above) Name: ……………………………… Address:……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………… Post Code: …………………………… ………………………………. Telephone: ………………….……….. Signature: ……………………….…. Date: ………………………….………. CP Sport Ltd. Is a Limited Company registered in England and Wales, no Registered office as shown. Registered Charity No: VAT no

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