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Fruit and Vegetables By Hazel Wickham.

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Presentation on theme: "Fruit and Vegetables By Hazel Wickham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruit and Vegetables By Hazel Wickham

2 My name is Hazel and I am in grade 1.
I found some fruits and vegetables at home that I like to eat to stay healthy. I will tell you about these fruits and vegetables and also why it is important to know them.

3 First I would like to tell you about fruit and vegetables and how to know the difference between them.

4 Fruit : Grows mostly on trees. Think of a lemon tree or an apple tree.

5 Vegetables : Grows mostly under or near the ground. Think of spinach and lettuce.

6 I will now show you five fruits and five vegetables that I eat most of the time.

7 S s This is a fruit This is a red Strawberry

8 O o This is a fruit This is a yellow Orange

9 P p This is a vegetable This is a yellow Pumpkin

10 L l This is a vegetable This is a green Lettuce

11 C c This is a fruit This is a green Cucumber

12 G g This is a fruit This is a purple Grape

13 L l This is a fruit This is a yellow Lemon

14 T t This is a fruit This is a red Tomato

15 P p This is a vegetable This is a light brown Potato

16 P p This is a vegetable This is a green Pea

17 S s This is a vegetable This is a green Spinach

18 Sorting Fruits and vegetables belong to two groups

19 Fruit and vegetables are very healthy because they have lots of vitamins
Vit C Vit A Vitamins keep us healthy and strong Vit C

20 Me + Vitamins = Health

21 Why must I know my fruits and vegetables?
I need to know my fruits and vegetables because there are poisonous things that one can eat and this will kill you. Some types of mushrooms are poisonous and if I do not know this and eat it, I will die. If we do not learn about our fruits and vegetables we will not know what we can eat or not.

22 Where did I get my information and pictures?
Microsoft Ofiice Clip Art Gallery Information :

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