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10 questions to get you started!

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Presentation on theme: "10 questions to get you started!"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 questions to get you started!

2 1. Define an enzyme.

3 2. Name the enzyme which breaks down starch.

4 Where in the digestive system is
starch digested?

5 What name is given to the
temperature at which enzymes work best (Amylase = 37oC)?

6 Name the class of enzymes which
break down proteins?

7 6. State why Carbohydrases won’t digest Fats (Lipids)?

8 7. Name the products released when lipases break down lipids?

9 8. State 3 conditions excess sugar can lead to?

10 9. Place the following organs in order to describe the passage of food through the alimentary canal? - Large intestine - Stomach - Small intestine - Oesophagus - Mouth - Anus

11 10. Describe briefly why it is essential that digestion takes place?

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