Caption: a comment or title that goes with a picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Caption: a comment or title that goes with a picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint created by Parsheena Berch Resource: JBHM material Pictures: Google Images

2 Caption: a comment or title that goes with a picture.
Word of the day: Caption: a comment or title that goes with a picture.

3 Operations of Fractions

4 Page 51 in JBHM binder (DOK 2)
Bell Ringer: Page 51 in JBHM binder (DOK 2)

5 Focus/Introduction: We will be adding and subtracting fractions today with like and unlike denominators. If the denominators are already alike, we can just add or subtract the numerators. Then we must reduce the answer if we need to. If the denominators are not the same, we must find a common denominator. There is also another method we will discover to use to add or subtract fractions with unlike denominators. We use these types of math when we cook or want to add or subtract parts of wholes.

6 Guided Practice: (DOK 1)
Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators Add or subtract the numerators accordingly. Write the sum or difference of the numerators, and write it over the common denominator. Simplify the fraction by writing it as the smallest equivalent fractions.

7 Example:

8 Example:

9 Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators:

10 Method 1: Equivalent Fractions
Find the common denominator for each fraction. Since the denominators are small numbers, we will use the multiple concept to find the Least Common Denominator, LCD. Take the denominators of the two fractions and list the multiples until you find the Least Common Multiple. This number will become your Least Common Denominator.

11 Step 1:

12 Step 2:

13 Step 3:


15 Method 2: Criss-Cross

16 How do we change into a mixed number?

17 Show your work:

18 Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators

19 Method 1: Equivalent Fractions
Find the common denominator for each fraction. Since the denominators are small numbers, here we’ll use the multiple concept to find the Least Common Denominator, LCD. Take the denominators of the two fractions and list the multiples until you find the Least Common Multiple. This number will become your Least Common Denominator.


21 Step 2:

22 Step 3:

23 Method 2: Criss-Cross

24 Additional Examples:

25 Convert Improper Fractions
Change all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Add the fractions using either method from the previous day’s lesson.


27 Additional Examples:


29 Subtracting Fractions with Mixed Numbers:
The rules for subtracting fractions are the same as adding fractions except the numerators are subtracted.

30 Convert to Improper Fractions
This method uses improper fractions. Change all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Subtract the fractions.








38 Independent Practice: (DOK 1 and 2)
Handout #2 your JBHM binder. You are to show all your work. If you do not finish the handout, you must complete it for homework.

39 Closure: NO.1f Add subtract, multiply, and divide (with and without remainders) using non-negative rational numbers. (Note: Focusing on fractions) (DOK 1) Remember to finish handout #2 for homework.

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