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Canadian contributions to space exploration

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1 Canadian contributions to space exploration

2 International Space Station
Since 1998, orbits 400 km above Earth Largest spacecraft ever built Canadarm2 Robotic device One of three designed and built in Canada by a Canadian company Moves astronauts around as they work outside the space station Can bend around corners and grasp objects with computer-controlled fingers

3 International Space Station

4 Satellites Canada was the 3rd country in the world to launch a satellite Called Alouette 1 Collected data about extreme upper regions of atmostphere Launched a bunch of satellites called Anik Started in 1972 Anik 1 gave Canada 12 television channels  first country with a satellite in geostationary orbit!! :o Extremely important for connecting northern parts with rest of country Anik F3 (2007) is 5900kg, provides broadcast and broadband internet services across North America

5 Timeline 1918 – at 1.83m, largest telescope in the world at Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria, BC Beginning of serious gvt funding in research in astronomy 1935 at U of T  another big telescope Showed beginning of universities helping research 1951 – Canadian Impact Crater Program Impacts have a profound impact to life on Earth 1960 – discovery by Canadians of complex molecules in space 1985 – Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics opened  world leader in understanding planetary systems, stars and life cycles, origin and evolution of universe

6 Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
World’s more powerful detector of neutrinos (particles emitted by nuclear reactions in stars and supernovas) Solved the solar neutrino problem 2000 Canadian scientists recovered a meteorite in BC from a lake Most primitive meteorite EVER!! About 4.5 billion years old – how old we expect our solar system to be! :o

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