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The Testes, Thymus, Pineal, and Hypothalamus Glands

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1 The Testes, Thymus, Pineal, and Hypothalamus Glands
Rachel Cattoi Erin Bliemeister Austin Kremer Abstract Results Results Conclusion Many people have heard of the nervous and endocrine systems. However, there is a multitude of questions that have yet to be answered. Our research is about four different glands. They are the testes, thymus, pineal, and hypothalamus glands. The objective is to research and learn more about these glands, their functions, and what hormones they secrete. Our group used the internet and our knowledge of biology to conduct our research. The results of our research have proven to be very valuable. We were able to find the function, location, and hormones secreted by each gland. The conclusion that can be drawn is that each of these four glands are very valuable and necessary to human life. Pineal Gland The Pineal gland is a small, round shaped gland that synthesizes and secretes melatonin. It looks like a pine cone and is sometimes referred to as the third eye. Melatonin is important in the reproductive systems of animals. In conclusion, the testes, thymus, pineal, and hypothalamus gland are very important glands in the human body. They are part of the endocrine and other various systems. The testes gland secretes testosterone and the thymus secretes thymosins. Thymosins creates white blood cells. The pineal gland secretes melatonin and the hypothalamus secretes neuro-hormones which help to maintain a body’s homeostasis. The testes gland produces testosterone. Testosterone, like most other hormones, is a messenger in the body. This is a mainly male hormone, but it is present in women. Testosterone is a hormone that contributes to the development of muscles, facial hair, and aggression in men. Problems of the testes gland include testicular trauma, low estrogen and testosterone levels, testicular cancer and hypogonadism. Literature Cited Introduction The four glands researched in this project were the hypothalamus, pineal, thymus, and testes glands. The thymus gland is part of the immune system, the hypothalamus is part of the nervous and endocrine systems. The testes gland is part of the reproductive and endocrine systems. The pineal gland is also in the endocrine system. The purpose of this study was to describe the function and products of these four necessary glands. The pineal gland is attached to the roof of the third ventricle of the brain. Problems include sleep deficiency, melatonin deficiency, and insomnia. The testes gland is located within the scrotum, which hangs outside the body. Materials and Methods Hypothalamus Gland This gland helps to maintain a body’s homeostasis. It secretes neurohormones. This gland helps to stimulate many of the body’s processes including sleep cycles, heart rate and blood pressure, body temperature, and appetite and body weight. During this project, the group used class time and the computers to research four different types of glands. These glands include the testes, thymus, pineal, and hypothalamus gland. The Thymus Gland The thymus gland is located in the upper part of the chest. It secretes thymosins which aid in the development of antibodies. The thymus gland also produces T-lymphocytes which destroy abnormal cells. Acknowledgements We as a group of loving and professional beings, would like to thank our parents and families for their support. We would like to thank our biology teacher for all of his guidance. The thymus gland is made of two lobes that join in the front of the trachea. Problems include thymus cancer and other diseases. The hypothalamus gland is located in the brain. Common problems include appetite and sleep disorders.

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