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Footsteps at All Saints

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1 Footsteps at All Saints
Overview of the Governors’ proposal for a 10 place ASD specialist base at All Saints. All Saints: all learning, all growing, altogether.

2 The Vision At All Saints, we are proud and courageous to be ‘scandalously inclusive’ Our base for Autism will be a Centre of Excellence for 10 pupils with Autism diagnosis and EHCP who are highly functioning but are unable to cope with the demands of a mainstream experience. Pupils will be in a mainstream school within the community where they live and are growing up.

3 The vision is for pupils to thrive as individuals as they realise their potential; make essential progress in basic skills, alongside vital life skills, in a calm, non-threatening, therapeutic environment enabling them to excel emotionally, socially , physically and academically. Moreover pupils will be ‘nestled’ within a mainstream school, with continuous opportunity for integration with peers, and within the community/locale of where they are growing up as members of the community and wider society The specialist unit will run alongside, but separate to our own Hub – currently called ‘Class Prime’. It will not replace it. Expertise from staff, therapists and partners will combine to strengthen provision. We will have Ed Psychs/SALTs etc on hand and they will benefit from working within a mainstream school. There will also be out reach work and visits to see how we all work as an autism friendly school, including the our mainstream provision. We envisage that this will be mainly KS2 provision, but we are a primary school and the base should reflect primary provision and the full 4-11 year range

4 It takes a village to bring up a child………(African proverb)
And the big wide outside world, universe and beyond Wigston All Saints ASD Base Child & Family We will placing the needs of the child and family within the school and at the centre of the wider community.

5 Curriculum Design for the base
PSHE Self care Values based learning Cookery, gardening , husbandry, Community based learning, RE, ICT and access skills Life Skills Therapies Basic Skills Literacy , Oracy/Augmented Comms Mathematics Physical development Wider world: Foundation subjects Emotional literacy & social communication SALT OT Psycotherapy (Counselling/Play therapy, drama therapy) MH support Family Therapies/ learning Expressive & problem solving (eg art/dance/music/ lego/yoga)

6 Governance, Leadership Staff and Partners
A steering group will support and guide the development of the unit until July this will include representatives from school, Govs, LA, Diocese and parents and will link into the school council. This will provide a valuable conduit for our partners and stake holders The Governing body will have named Governor for the base, as well as the mainstream SEN Governor. Inclusive to the school, the leadership structure will consume the unit to ensure continuity, and specialist staff will also have a mainstream presence and responsibility.. There will be opportunity for partners to work alongside us, and be a base for outreach work There will be recruitment of specialist staff and the staff ratio will be high in line with pupils EHCPs. We will be working with a range of therapists including Educational Psychologists, Speach and language therapists, occupational therapists, Mental health workers, and other arts based therapists and required by the pupils’ EHCPs

7 Our Partners SENA (LA) Ed Psych Family School Partner schools Diocese
Health Family Family agencies Other therapies SALT SENA (LA) AET Ed Psych NAS School AOR Partner schools The Vines Diocese Our Partners

8 Accomodation There will be some alterations to our building.
This will develop toilets and cloakroom facilities and a specific entrance will be re-developed for the provision. There will therapy rooms, admin space, storage a class area and family base. There will be walls and doors put in for classes Dahl, Parkes, Mandela and current JKRowling.

9 Time line We expect to open the base for the Autumn Term 2018
Time line We expect to open the base for the Autumn Term Early transition and induction work would begin in May 2018 for the initial pupils. The intake would grow as follows: Month Intake Total pupils September 2-3 November +2 5 January 7 March +3 10

10 And finally why ‘Footsteps’?
“Footprints in the Sand” by Mary Stevenson He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.“ Thank you Jenny Marshall, Headteacher, All Saints, Wigston. B.Ed Hons, Dip English, MA in Education, NPQH

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