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Prevention of disease and Surveillance ( )

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1 Prevention of disease and Surveillance (27.08.16)
Dr Mohammad Aman Khan

2 The students will know about;
Disease Causation Natural history of disease Surveillance in Public health

3 Health: It is a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The poor needs it daily. Disease Illness

4 Health Disease: “A condition in which body health is impaired Disease is not a static entity but a process which begins before man is actually affected by a living or non living agent in the environment in which s/he lives. There is a battle between the agent and the man’s defense forces. Illness

5 If the illness continues for a long duration with out disability,
Health, disease Illness: Illness is a phenomenon in which one or more natural functions of the body are so disturbed that the affected individual can not meet the natural requirement of every day life. It is a state in which the equilibrium of the body and its functions are disturbed. If the disturbance is severe and its duration is not long, the person is said to be acutely ill If the illness continues for a long duration with out disability, The affected person is said to be chronically ill.

6 What causes disease? Risk factors: The “BEINGS” model
The categories of preventable causes of disease, Risk factors B biologic and Behavioral E environmental I immunologic N nutritional G genetic S services, Social and Spiritual

7 Causes of diseases

8 Can disease be prevented???

9 Natural history of disease?
The natural history of disease is the uninterrupted progression of a disease in an individual from the moment of exposure to causal agents until recovery or death ...

10 TIME Onset Exposure Incubation period Latent Infectious Non-infectious
Death Recovery Clinical disease Infection No infection Susceptible host Onset Exposure Incubation period Latent Infectious Non-infectious

11 Prevention of disease Levels of Prevention
Primary Prevention: Disease can be prevented before the disease occurs. (Health promotion, specific protection, establishing barriers against the agent in a given environment

12 Prevention of CCHF –Eid Qurban

13 Secondary Prevention Prevention is accomplished by early diagnosis, and treatment (Medical or surgical or optical). This minimizes the effect of the disease and maintain body function.

14 Tertiary Prevention Because of different reasons the disease has advanced and caused disability. Corrective therapy may be applied to limit any consequent disability. Rehabilitation at this stage is minimizing the affects of disability. Cataract Surgery with I O L

15 Can we prevent diseases / disability How?

16 Simple Definition of surveillance. :
“the act of carefully watching someone or something ...”



19 ICEBERG OF DISEASE ?? (Tip of the iceberg)

20 ICEBERG OF DISEASE This refers to the symptomless cases or sub-clinical cases that may exist in a community. What is known Mortality / Morbidity Silent disease, Undeclared morbidity Subclinical cases Vulnerability to disease

21 Surveillance

22 Surveillance? Surveillance is a noun that means close observation of a person or group. Many times, a person suspected of something illegal by the authorities is placed under surveillance, meaning he or she is closely watched to see if their suspicions are well-founded.

23 Surveillance for public health
Public health surveillance is the continuous, systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health-related data needed for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice. Such surveillance can: serve as an early warning system for impending public health emergencies; document the impact of an intervention, or track progress towards specified goals; and monitor and clarify the epidemiology of health problems, to allow priorities to be set and to inform public health policy and strategies.

24 Jang Rawalpindi


26 Surveillance?

27 Number of polio cases Looking for trend over time




31 Resource Video Links Just copy the link given below and paste into your browser’s search bar


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