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Author Study Of Mary Downing Hahn

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1 Author Study Of Mary Downing Hahn
By Riley Hildestad Hour 4

2 Mary Downing Hahn Birthdate - December 9th, 1937 (80 years old)
Birthplace - College Park, Maryland (currently lives in Columbia, Maryland) Awards - Scott O’Dell Award for Historical Fiction (Time for Andrew) Mystery Writers of America Edgar Award (Closed for the Season, 2010) Pacific Northwest Readers Award for Wait Til Helen Comes Plus 43 other awards Facts - She has written and published 34 books. Her newest is One for Sorrow, which was published in 2017.

3 Details/Life of Mary Downing Hahn
Mary was born to Kenneth Ernest, an automobile mechanic and Anna Elisabeth, (maiden name is Sherwood) a teacher. She has no siblings. She went to University of Maryland for a Doctor Study. She graduated in Mary was a librarian before she became a full- time author. At age 42, she published her first book: The Sara Summer. At age 44, she suffered a major stroker. She has two daughters with her former husband William E. Hahn (m ), Katherine Sherwood and Margaret Elizabeth. Her current is Norman Pearce Jacob (m. April 23rd, 1982).

4 Where I Belong Published: 2014
Brendan is a foster boy who jumps from house to house. Mrs. Clancy is his newest foster parent. She feeds him meat, even though he has continuously told her he is a vegetarian, which begins his dislike for her. As she gets harder on him about his grades, he eventually stops trying. Because he failed 6th grade, he is sent to Summer school, where he meets a girl named Shea Browne. Brenden builds a treehouse in the woods and is met by a little old man, whom Brendan believes is the Green Man, protector of the national woods. Shea meets the Green Man later, and she is amazed by his disappearing acts. Around the end of the book, Shea has to tell Brendan something about the Green Man, but he won’t listen.

5 One for Sorrow Published: 2017
Annie has just moved to a small city near Baltimore. Maryland in 1918, during World War 1. At her all-girls school she now attends, she meets Elsie - a german liar, thief and tattletale. Rosie, Eunice, Jane and Lucy (the mean girls) tease Annie about being friends with Elsie who has claimed her. After Annie switched friends to be Rosie and her gang, Elsie becomes mad and hateful toward Annie and her family. Rosie scares Elsie off, and soon after the Spanish Influenza Epidemic begins. Rosie, Annie and the rest of them find Elsie playing on a swing with a flu mask over her mouth. Rosie shoves her off the swing, and Rosie joins in with Eunice, Lucy, Rosie and Jane in kicking Elsie. Rosie and Eunice take Elsie flu mask and try it on, letting Elsie run away. After this, Elsie died of the flu, and the girls go sledding in the cemetery. Annie hits a tombstone, and after, Elsie appears, making Annie do things like putting a flu mask in Rosie’s bag and getting her sick. Annie is then sent to a hospital, but Elsie follows.

6 Took Published: 2015 Dan moves out to a small city, and his new house is the one in the famous rumor - Selene was a young girl with an active imagination. One day, after going out to the woods, talking to her doll, she was taken by a witch named Auntie. Dan had moved into Selene’s old house. When Erica starts displaying signs that Selene had with the days leading up to the kidnapping, Dan passes it off as her way of coping with the move. After Erica goes into the woods, with her doll, and is kidnapped, Dan sets out on a quest to get her back.

7 The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall Published: 2010
Florence is a 12-year-old orphan, going to live at her great-aunt and great-uncles place during the summer. Florence’s deceased uncle’s kid, a sickly pale-faced boy. After a long while of not talking, Florence meets a girl about her age on the staircase. The girl’s name was Sophia. When Florence brought her up, her great aunt and great uncle made her promise not to say her name again. After talking to Sophia some more, she finds out she was actually the boy’s sister. When Florence finds out the truth, just a bit after she removed a spirit-blocking lump on her cousin’s door, that Sophia is a ghost. Florence finds out that her cousin and Sophia were playing on the manor’s rooftop, when Sophia fell, and died. Florence confronts Sophia up on the rooftop, when she’s about to shove her little brother off, so he’ll die just like she did.

8 All the Lovely Bad Ones Published: 2008
Travis and Corey spend the summer at their grandma’s inn, after being banned from the camp the usually attended for their pranks. When Travis and Corey find out about so-called ghosts at the inn, they begin the pranks - being the ghost in the grove, creating blue lights, walking, knocking and that stuff. When they see the actual ghost in the grove, they begin to freak out. They had awoken the souls of the children who had died at the poor farm and Miss Ada. Soon, Seth, Caleb and Ira, 3 boys who died on the farm show themselves and explain. They were greatly mistreated, and after Miss ada, the child supervisor, threw them out in the cold after starving them, they died. Miss ada infects Travis’ mind, and implants ideas like he is nothing, no one would miss him if he died and so on. One night, Corey finds Travis in the tree, reaching for the noose that hung there after Miss Ada hung herself. Corey convinces him to stop, and Miss ada is dragged away by a giant man.

9 Wait ‘til Helen Comes Published: 1986
After Molly and Michael's mom married Heather’s dad, they move out of cramped Baltimore to the country. There’s a small cemetery on their property and Heather becomes obsessed, even talking to helen, a 7 year-old girl whose tombstone resided there. Heather ventures to Helen’s old house, which has burned down. In a while, Molly finds Heather in the house, talking to Helen, who manages to convince her to drown herself, so she could be with Helen always. Molly finds out that Helen accidently set the house on fire, and her parents perished in it. After Helen escapes, she runs to the pond and falls in, drowning. The parents’ bodies hadn't ever been found. Molly drags Heather back to Helen’s old house, since it was raining. They fall through the floorboards, to land in the basement, where Helen’s parents’ bodies were. Helen moves on with the help of her mom in ghost form.

10 Characters Mary Downing Hahn creates books with troubled teens, or kids. Her characters always experience something traumatic, from dying, to being haunted by a ghost, to becoming a ghost, to being a foster kid. Almost always (few exceptions) the characters find a way out of it. (ex: Annie is haunted by Elsie, and she helps her move on, One for Sorrow)

11 Universal Issues/Themes
Issues never start at the beginning of her books, besides Where I Belong. Her books included multiple characters, which means multiple issues. Themes aren't usually clear, but in All the Lovely Bad Things, the theme is friendship, and family. Sticking by each other during even the toughest times, and believing in each other.

12 Point of View Mary Downing Hahn either uses 3rd narrative or 1st narrative,. Not once has she made a book with the 2nd narrative that I know of.

13 Writing Patterns She has no definite writing patterns. All her books are different, despite being about the same thing (ghost stories usually). Her books do not use cuss words or anything though.

14 Books into Movies Wait till Helen Comes (1986) has been turned into a movie in % have liked the movie.

15 opinion Where I belong - Good, but did not like the writing style.
One for Sorrow - I loved it! It was in great detail. Took - So-so, not the best but not the worst All the Lovely Bad Ones - One of my favorite books! The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall - Kinda liked it. Not too bad. Wait til Helen Comes - Great!

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