The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Addiction Treatment Professionals Melody M. Heaps President Emeritus TASC, Inc. / Chairman of the Board, ISSUP.

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Presentation on theme: "The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Addiction Treatment Professionals Melody M. Heaps President Emeritus TASC, Inc. / Chairman of the Board, ISSUP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) for Addiction Treatment Professionals
Melody M. Heaps President Emeritus TASC, Inc. / Chairman of the Board, ISSUP Lisbon Addictions 2017 2nd European Conference on Addictive Behaviour and Dependencies

2 I. Develop the Drug Demand Reduction Workforce

3 Developing a Global Network of Treatment Professionals
International Professional Association Credentialing Professionalization of Staff Training Mapping the Workforce Time

4 Training Curricula Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC)

5 Universal Treatment Curriculum:
Basic Level (8 Courses) Physiology and Pharmacology (24 hrs) Continuum of Care (40 hrs) Co-Occurring Disorders Overview (24 hrs) Basic Counseling Skills (40 hrs) Screening, Intake, Assessment, Treatment Planning (40 hrs) Case Management (16 hrs) Crisis Intervention (16 hrs) Ethics (32 hrs)

6 Universal Treatment Curriculum: Advanced Level (15 courses)
Pharmacology and SUD (33 hrs) Managing MAT Programs (20 hrs) Enhancing MI Skills (20 hrs) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (20 hrs) Contingency Management (20 hrs) Working with Families (33 hrs) Skills for Screening Co-Occurring Disorders (20 hrs) Intermediate Clinical Skills & Crisis Management (33 hrs) Case Management Skills and Practices (33 hrs) Clinical Supervision for SUD Professionals (33 hrs) Enhancing Group Facilitation Skills Special Population Groups Theories of Counseling Trauma Informed Care Recovery Management, Continuing Care, and Wellness

7 IV. Address Populations with Special Clinical Needs

8 Universal Treatment Curriculum:
Populations with Special Clinical Needs Guiding the Recovery of Women (GROW) Children’s Treatment Other Populations GROW Basic Continuum of Care Domestic Violence Trauma Co-Occurring Disorders Pregnant & Addicted Women Women with Children Adolescent Females Family Therapy Relapse Prevention Interventions for Children Counseling Motivational Interviewing Trauma and Distress Pharmacological Treatment Suitcase for Life Adolescent Males Criminal Justice System Culturally Distinct Populations LGBTQI Peoples with Physical Disability and Chronic Pain Management Refugees Gangs Homeless Populations Child Soldiers Trafficking victims Sex workers HIV Positive, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, TB Populations Recovery Support Services Adolescent Treatment (CICAD) Rural-Based Treatment Community-Based Outreach Drop in Centers

9 Women The Guiding the Recovery of Women (GROW)
A 10-course series that trains counselors on treating women with substance use disorders GROW has been disseminated in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

10 Children The Children’s Treatment Curriculum
A 6-course series addressing child drug use from infancy to early adolescence, based on the world’s first protocols to treat children with substance use disorders was disseminated in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.

11 Recovery Building a network of persons in recovery.
Four specialized courses for people in recovery. Recovery Coach exam and credential

12 Rural Treatment Modality developed by UNODC.
Training package under development. Pilot will be implemented in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Available for further dissemination in 2018.

13 Community-based services and recovery support
Criminal Justice Community-based services and recovery support Pre-Adjudication Diversion Post-Adjudication Intercept 1: Police Intercept 2: Initial detention Initial court hearings Intercept 3: Jail Court Intercept 4: Jail / Reentry Intercept 5: Probation

14 Curriculum Development Strategy
Curriculum Developers Produce specialized curriculum Peer Review Panel Detailed study of each curriculum, makes recommendation to curriculum development coordinator. Curriculum Coordinators Incorporates changes from peer review panel Expert Advisory Group (Steering Group) Reviews comments and changes by curriculum developers Provides final “ready for training” endorsement of the curriculum. Receives final hard copy of the curriculum.

15 Trainer’s Manual

16 Trainer’s Manual Participants Manual

17 Trainer’s Manual Participants Manual

18 ISSUP Website –
Prevention and treatment professionals share developments in the field and interact directly. Provides web-based training, webinars and technical assistance. Serves as registrar to centralize student training data in preparation for the international credentialing exam.

19 ISSUP Website –

20 International Workshops: National Chapters:
ISSUP-1: Jul Bangkok, Thailand ISSUP-2: Dec Campinas, Brazil ISSUP-3: December 4-8, 2017 Cancun, Mexico ISSUP-4: 2018 Africa Philippines (2014) Pakistan (2015)

21 Public Policy Consultants
Contact Information: Melody M Heaps President MMH & Associates Public Policy Consultants Chairman of the Board, ISSUP

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