Project Work - Topic Selection

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1 Project Work - Topic Selection
Radha Krishna Adhikary NTHMC

2 Why Project work Report writing ?
To build the empirical research skill on graduate program. To relate classroom study with the real life business problem. To discover new facts, knowledge, and realities about the social issues and subject matter and To develop in students interpersonal and communication skills. To enhance the competitiveness of the students

3 What kinds of Project work can be done ?
The Field/project work can be categorized into three groups as: Feasibility study, Case studies and Small-scale surveys.

4 Feasibility Study The need of business society has been growing day by day. It is necessary to evaluate the possibility of a new scheme or idea, and provides a base for an investment decision. Student can evaluate about the operational aspect, technical aspects, markets, legal implications and cost benefit analysis of the given scheme or idea. Before selecting the feasibility study a student should aware about, scope of the study, time frame for the study, information need of the study and methodology to be used to conduct the study

5 Feasibility Study The example of feasibility study are:
Installation of computer based accounting in electricity corporation. Feasibility study of opening new branch of any commercial bank or finance company How a store management can be done in salt trading corporation, Feasibility study of opening a gift shop in a particular locality, Feasibility study of a computer cyber in a particular locality

6 Case Study A case study covers all the relevant aspects related to the unit under study. It is the most suitable method of project work, which can be presented in description, in words and numbers of an reality prevailing in an organization. The main purpose is to evaluate the total work system of the study unit. It is an intensive investigation and description of the study unit. The example of case studies are : production process of a noodles industries in term of input, process and output, The accounting department of NTHMC to analyze the accounting system, Profitability position of Commercial Bank Liquidity status of Pokhara Finance Company Capital Structure/ Composition of Nepal Bank Ltd Activity / Performance Ratio of Annapurna Finance Company

7 Small Scale Survey The business society has a number of growing problems and issues in a particular subject matter. By using such type of survey we can understand the situation and solve the problems. A survey may be descriptive and specify the properties of business phenomena or may be exploratory and specify interrelationship among variables. What exactly is to be studied? What are the objectives ? Is it worth studying? Does it contribute to existing literature ?

8 Small Scale Survey ·         Attitude of the people towards to current newspaper ·         Attitude of the people towards the government performance ·         Satisfaction level of users towards mobile phone ·         Survey of salary scale in different financial institutions

9 Project work Procedures: Some Guidelines
Project work should be on concentration area and Field work should be based on Functional management area. It can be categorized in three phases: Pre-field work activities- Select your study area, Select your study scheme, Select the organization, Prepare your data plan, Consult your libraries, Consult your senior and teacher

10 Fieldwork Activities The initial phase-Meet the chief executives, meet the officer in charge of the unit, collect the relevant materials. The study/Observation phase- Crucial phase Overview of the organization, Detailed observation of the unit selected for study, collection of the relevant data, observation of the work system, questionnaire administration. Concluding Phase- Be sure about the data, make a courtesy call,

11 Post-Fieldwork Activities
This the final phase of your fieldwork assignment -Organize your data -Record your observations -write the fieldwork report -Get your field work report typed -Submit the field report

12 Project work and field work are they same ?
Field work focus on any type institution (GO, NGO Private, Public enterprises, etc) Project work should focus on specialization subject by taking specific topics like profitability status of Siddhartha Development Bank Mostly field work is done on primary data Project work can be done using library work

13 Example of Theoretical Framework:
Problem: Employee absenteeism problem in particular context and industry Variables: Independent variables: Age, gender, marital status, seniority and place of residence of employees. Dependent Variable: Employee Absenteeism Gender Employee Absenteeism Age Marital Status Experience Place of residence Dependent variables Independent variables

14 Common mistakes They commit common mistakes in writing bibliography and annex. In addition to this, they are found poor in the typography of the report (putting page, setting margin, maintaining consistency). Majority of the students are not able to build linkage the data analysis with desired objectives, conclusion with findings, recommendations with conclusions

15 Suggestions to the students
Students should trade off risk return, while selecting topics. References should be consulted (old report) Think about the organization, where you will get the required information from. Share the difficulties with the concerned teachers. Any Questions ?

16 Thanks

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