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(Tues AM – Mrs Malmberg)

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1 (Tues AM – Mrs Malmberg)
English In English, we will be continuing our study of The Glorious Greeks by investigating Ancient Greek Myths. We will first look at the essential features of this genre before beginning to develop our own ‘Mini Myths’ which we will ultimately translate to scripts for performance. Science We will be moving on from Life Cycles and now focusing our attention on electricity and electrical circuits, developing our understanding of the world as well as developing our skills in order to create robotic fairground rides and moon buggies later on in the year. Important info PE days will be on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that all kit is in school at all times and refer to the uniform section of the school website for kit requirements. I recommend that children have a drinks bottle in school to stay hydrated in addition to a warm jumper, coat, hat and gloves in case of very chilly days this coming winter. Home learning expectations are outlined on the class website page but children should have a reading book in school every day along with their homework diary. Home learning will be set on a Friday and will be due back in on the following Friday. Home learning will be given weekly unless stated otherwise. In addition to children recording their homework in their homework diary, I will endeavour to update the class website weekly (barring technical issues.) Further details about home learning eg. Spelling suitcases/Maths passports/Mathletics will be available on the class website page. Maths We shall be continuing our development by studying multiplication and division in greater depth, as well as augmenting our real-life skills through the collection, analysis and recording of our Power Points. We will also be working on our Maths Passports. The Glorious Greeks Hamptworth Class TERM 2 Miss Alice Bignell (Tues AM – Mrs Malmberg) Music In music we will be continuing our body percussion inspired by Anna Meredith’s ‘Connect It,’ part of BBC Ten Pieces, in addition to Junk Percussion, and we will be developing our own class performance piece. RE In RE this term we shall be continuing to explore Sikhism before looking in greater depth at the story of Jesus’ birth with collaboration with KS1 classes on a Christmas project. Art and Handwriting We will be working across the curriculum to look at simple repeated patterns and effective ways to portray a story through images. We will be carrying our creativity through into the kitchen where we will learn to produce traditional Greek foods in preparation for Greek Day. Geography Looking at our local history through a range of resources, including DigiMap, and comparing OS maps of our local area from the 1800’s to now. History This term our theme is The Glorious Greeks. We will be travelling back in time to Ancient Greece, where we will investigate every aspect of Ancient Greek life, culture and tradition. Computing This term we shall be continuing to develop our Scratch skills as well as applying our knowledge of MS Word and Publisher. French We shall be developing our basic conversational skills as we talk about ourselves and what we like to do at home and at school.

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