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By Ayden , Iggy , Mia STATUS Critically Endangered

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1 By Ayden , Iggy , Mia STATUS Critically Endangered
Sumatran tiger By Ayden , Iggy , Mia STATUS Critically Endangered

2 FACTS Population Scientific name Weight left! Panthera Tigris pounds Sumatrae HABITATS Tropical broadleaf evergreen forests, freshwater swamp forests and peat swamps. They ‘re the smallest tiger in the world

3 WWF is doing something to help the Sumatran tiger
‘WWF successfully lobbied corporate partners and the Indonesian state government to declare the Tesso Nilo tiger landscape a protected area in It is most likely the last remaining block of lowland tropical rainforest for tigers in Sumatra. Using the momentum of the Year of the Tiger in 2010, WWF pushed for six priority landscapes for tigers to be included in the National Tiger Recovery Program, which was adopted as a global program by 13 tiger range countries.’ From WWF

4 Diet Tigers eat a variety of prey, ranging in size from termites to elephant calves They eat moose, deer species, pigs, cows, horses, buffalos and goats.

5 THREATS Threats to the survival of the Sumatran Tiger are habitat destruction and poaching. The rapid agricultural growth on the island of Sumatra, particularly for oil palm plantations and timber has reduced the area of habitat available to the tiger and the encroachment by villages has increased the contact and conflict between the tiger and humans. Sadly, Tigers are illegally poached to support the trade in tiger products, including their body parts for use in traditional medicine and their pelts as trophies. 

6 HOW MANY TIGERS DIED!!! In the past 10yrs over 1000 tigers died


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