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Presented by Svetoslav Zelenski. presented by Svetoslav Zelenski.

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2 presented by Svetoslav Zelenski

3 The Book(S) Many people don’t know that The Green Mile was actually a series of novels , six books to be precise , all written in a period of six months by the notorious writer Stephen King. That shows how passionate the author was at that time of his career. There is even an interview where he said that everything was covered with pages in his apartment at the time he wrote the series. One year after the books were published they were republished as a single paperback volume , which made it much easier too read an made it 1# New York Times Bestseller.

4 The Plot It's just another normal day on the Green Mile for prison guard Paul Edgecomb. That is until huge John Coffey is sent there. Unlike the hulking brute that Coffey looks like, he is in fact kind at heart. Whilst watching over Coffey, Edgecomb learns that there is more to Coffey than can be seen. -FilmFanUK

5 Stephen King Stephen king is an American author of horror, fiction, and fantasy. He has published 54 novels, six non-fiction books and around 200 short stories. He sold more than 350 million copies many of which have been made into films, television series and comic books. He is overall one of the greatest authors of our century following the steps of writers such as Poe, Hemingway and Twain. He is most famous for his early work with the novels “Pet Semetery”, “Carrie”, “Misery” and much more but his most famous work has to be “IT”.

6 Main Characters Paul Edgecomb Percy Wetmore John Coffey

7 Movie Adaptation The film was released in 1999 and its one of the highest rated movies of all time in every list there is. The most famous actors in the production are Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan and Sam Rockwell. The movie was also directed by Frank Darabond who is known by adapting other Stephen King novels like The Shawshank Redemtion and The Mist. Overall The Green Mile teaches us that not every prisoner is guilty of his crimes and maybe they are actually officers of the law that should be on the other side of the grids.

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