Discussion of church elders…

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1 Discussion of church elders…
Most studies and discussions of church elders immediately focus on the qualifications set forth in 1Tim. 3 and Tit. 1... When was the last time you heard a meaningful discussion of the “work” of church elders? It is not uncommon for congregations to study “qualifications” for months, spend time selecting and appointing men, only to discover that many have little idea of what they are supposed to be doing.

2 “The Duties of Church Elders”
(Part 2)

3 The focus of our study is intended to…
Educate the flock on what to expect from the eldership; also to encourage appreciation for the work in which elders do. Educate any potential candidate(s) for eldership on what to expect of such work. (It is a noble, yet difficult work) Edify current elders through God’s Word, encouraging growth in all areas.

4 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Hold fast to the faithful Word of God (Acts 20:32; Titus 1:9) Take heed to themselves (Acts 20:28) Take heed to the flock (Acts 20:28) Be examples to the flock (1Peter 5:3b) Serve as overseers (1Peter 5:2) Rule Well (1Timothy 5:17)

5 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach (1 Tim 3:2) … holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict. (Titus 1:9)

6 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) Settle differences in the church (Acts 15:6) (Acts 15:1-6; Acts 2:42)

7 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) Settle differences in the church (Acts 15:6) Shepherd the Flock (Acts 20:28; 1Peter 5:1-2) Acts 20:28 “…shepherd the church of God” NKJV; “…care for the church of God” ESV; “…feed the church of the Lord” ASV; “… feed the church of God” KJV. In 1Peter 5:1-2, Peter tells the elders to “shepherd the flock” according to the NKJV & ESV, whereas the ASV renders “tend the flock”, and the KJV translates “feed the flock”. (Eph 4:11; Ps 23; Is 40:11; Jn 10:11-16; Mt 18:12-14)

8 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) Settle differences in the church (Acts 15:6) Shepherd the Flock (Acts 20:28; 1Peter 5:1-2) Stop the mouths of idle talkers (Titus 1:10-11) Obey God, do not be swayed by the emotions of men!! (Acts 5:29; Acts 20:30)

9 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) Settle differences in the church (Acts 15:6) Shepherd the Flock (Acts 20:28; 1Peter 5:1-2) Stop the mouths of idle talkers (Titus 1:10-11) Support the weak, pray for the sick; and administer to their needs (Acts 20:35; James 5:14)

10 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Admonish the church (1Thess. 5:12) Settle differences in the church (Acts 15:6) Shepherd the Flock (Acts 20:28; 1Peter 5:1-2) Stop the mouths of idle talkers (Titus 1:10-11) Support the weak, pray for the sick; and administer to their needs (Acts 20:35; James 5:14) Watch for the souls of the church (Hebrews 13:17) The Bible instructs all Christians to “watch”… The devil and temptation (Mt 26:41), themselves (Mk 13:9), for every opportunity to do good (1Cor 16:13-14),for false teachers (Acts 20:31; Gal 1:6-10), for Jesus’ return (1Thess 5:6), & the list goes on… But the Bible specifically charges the elder to watch for souls (Heb 13:17)!!

11 “The Duties of Church Elders”
Elders are responsible to do much more than make decisions. Elders are to lead as they use God’s word, their spiritual maturity, and their experience -- to persuade. They must be able to use their knowledge of God’s word as the tool that guides them in all that they do; and they must have a willingness to watch for, correct and rescue those who stumble or go astray. Also, because of their age, knowledge, responsibility, and accountability, the congregation is to respect and listen to them as long as they are faithful to God’s word.

12 “The Duties of Church Elders”
My prayer is that… Any potential candidate(s) for this role will be praying, meditating, and working toward these things diligently. Our current elders will be encouraged to press forward, always seeking to better themselves, along with the congregation. Each member learns to submit to the elders as they labor in the kingdom. (1Peter 5:5-8) The congregation here will continue to encourage our current elders in their work.

13 “The Duties of Church Elders”
(Part 2)

14 repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance (Acts 26:20)
Acts 9:18-20 “Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. 19 So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.” Acts 22:14-16 “Then he said, 'The God of our fathers has chosen you that you should know His will, and see the Just One, and hear the voice of His mouth. 15 For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. 16 And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.’”

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