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What does it mean to “enable” something?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it mean to “enable” something?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it mean to “enable” something?
What do you think the “Enabling Act” might do?

2 We are learning to Explain how Hitler consolidates power
Analyse what the Enabling Act allowed the Nazis to do Evaluate which reason is the most important in Nazi consolidation of power

3 After the March election, the Nazis had a majority in the Reichstag
The first thing they did was to pass the “Enabling Act” on 23rd March 1933 This act would give Hitler complete control over the law making process in Germany

4 What do you think the remaining politicians would say/do?
Hitler uses the SA to intimidate anyone who might vote against him The vote is passed 350 votes to 90 – Hitler has legally demolished democracy in Germany

5 The Weimar Republic is dead after only 14 years

6 So what did the Enabling Act do and how did it help Hitler became dictator?

7 When reading the following information, add the important parts of the Enabling Act to your mind-map

8 The GESTAPO April The Gestapo (secret police) were set up

9 TRADE UNIONS May Trade unions are abolished, their leaders arrested and Nazis take direct control of workers rights

10 CONCORDAT June 1933 – Hitler makes an agreement with the Pope agreeing to leave Catholics alone if the Catholic Church stays out of politics Hitler uses this support to ban the Catholic Zentrum Party

11 ONE-PARTY STATE July 1933 – All parties except the Nazis are banned

12 This memorial outside the Reichstag remembers all the ex Members of Parliament who died in concentration camps

13 Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
The Nazis built this concentration camp in 1936 It was built primarily for political prisoners

14 PEOPLE’S COURTS April 1934 – Judges have to swear an oath of loyalty to the Nazis

June 1934 – many members of the SA are assassinated, removing opposition to Hitler within the Nazis

16 FUHRER August 1934 – Hindenberg dies and Hitler combines the office of Chancellor and President to become Führer

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