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National Honor Society

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1 National Honor Society
Criteria for Acceptance Scholarship Character Service and Leadership

2 Scholarship Students who maintain a 3.5 GPA (unweighted) or higher at the end of their sophomore year. Students are invited to join National Honor Society at the beginning of their junior year. Induction ceremony occurs at the end of your first year in NHS. Full membership occurs at the end of your senior year.

3 Character Positive aspects of character include honesty, responsibility, cooperation, and general good citizenship.

4 Character NHS members are expected to be leaders around campus and in the community. NHS members are expected to maintain a clean discipline record and be positive, contributing members of this campus and the community. NHS members live the METRO TECH way: Show honor, integrity, empathy, and leadership

5 Service and Leadership
The criteria of service and leadership are defined in terms of performance in school and community activities. Students are required to participate in all NHS activities and fundraisers. Pay $15 in dues to the bookstore by September 30, 2016 (Dues help support induction, chapter dues, and senior cords)

6 Service and Leadership
Students must also complete 30 hours of community service. This service must be done during your own time. You must give of yourself. Please do not “work” for a family member and consider it service. First 10 hours must be completed by: November 18, 2016.

7 What is an Individual service project?
Choose a service project that aligns with your talents and interests. Must be voluntary (meaning, you cannot t be compensated for your service) Should not promote a specific agenda (i.e. political, religious, family, etc.) Should not directly benefit the member or the member’s family. Can be done in conjunction with other groups on campus or in the community. (Ex: Work with STuGO to organize a campus cleanup.) If you have questions about a specific service project, speak with your chapter advisor

8 Why you should join: Opportunity to help others.
Participate community and club activities with other Metro Tech students. Goes on your high school transcripts. Scholarships available for seniors. Great experience for college applications. It’s fun!

9 What you need in order to join:
Read and fill out the blue sheet. Return it to Dr. Pelotte Attend the first all-member meeting on September 8, 2017 We hope to see you there!

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