Developing a new City Partnership Partnership Executive

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a new City Partnership Partnership Executive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a new City Partnership Partnership Executive
18 March 2013 Councillor Lisa Stone Jon Stephenson

2 City Partnership Aims Build on good practice
Focus on a shared vision and priorities Space for partners to come together Help the City Mayor carry out his duties Action led, measured against agreed outcomes Better coordination and reduced fragmentation Increase efficiency and service improvement Reduced duplication and therefore costs Involve and promote joint delivery and resourcing Improve community engagement and involvement Platform for better private sector involvement Links with Greater Manchester and beyond Developed from feedback received throughout the review Drivers for reform: City Mayor’s City Vision and development of the City Plan Coordination and reduced duplication and fragmentation Cut in public spending and prolonged austerity Securing outcomes Increased people’s independence, self-reliance and co-production and reduced demand on public services. Open public services, localism, social value and the co-operative approach. Public sector reform and the wider Greater Manchester context (eg whole place community budgets)

Development Economic Partnership Young people’s Children & Trust / Co-operative Family Poverty Skills, Work & Health & Wellbeing Board / Mutual Community Safety Partnership Strategic Housing Partnership Voluntary Salford City Partnership – made up of: City Partner Group (including representatives from the Safeguarding Boards) Partnership Forum Family of Partnerships: Statutory: Salford Children and Young People’s Trust Health and Wellbeing Board (2013) Salford Community Safety Partnership Local Partnerships: Salford Strategic Housing Partnership Proposed New Partnerships: Combined Skills, Work and Family Poverty Group (Think Skills and Work Board, Family Poverty Strategic Group, Financial Inclusion Strategic Group) Economic Development Partnership Communities and Third Sector – to include: Community of Identity Forums Community Committees Third Sector Leadership Group Faith Sector Potentially new network for the Social Enterprise / Mutual / Co-operative Sector Statutory Safeguarding Boards: Salford Safeguarding Children Board Salford Adult Safeguarding Board (2015) Plus task and finish groups as determined by the City Mayor’s Partner Group. Children Board Enterprise Adult Board Faith Social City Plan 3rd Sectors Priorities Safeguarding

Priorities City Plan CITY PARTNERSHIP Children Board Adult Board Safeguarding FORUM Community Enterprise / Mutual / Co-operative Voluntary Social 3rd Sectors Faith Young people’s Children & Trust Health & Wellbeing Board Community Safety Partnership Strategic Housing Family Poverty Skills, Work & Development Economic CITY PARTNER GROUP

5 City Strategy CITY PARTNERSHIP FORUM Children Economic & Young
People Economic Development Health & Wellbeing CITY PARTNER GROUP Skills, Work & Poverty Community Safety Housing We can measure how well we are doing in two main ways: How well we meet our statutory duties set out by government around health, safeguarding, crime and other issues. These are the primary concern of the statutory partnerships and the organisations responsible for these (for example Salford City Council, Greater Manchester Police). We have standards set by regulatory bodies (for example Ofsted for schools) that we must meet. How well we work towards the priorities detailed within the forthcoming City Strategy and City Plan. These will be determined by the people of Salford and the Partnership Forum will play an important role in shaping these. We can set our own local priorities and targets. It is vital that we all recognise our own role to play in making Salford a better city. This view of the model attempts to highlight that although services are accountable to the people of Salford. There is also a responsibility for all residents and businesses to help drive improvement and to develop the city, in line with the emerging co-operative approach. City Plan 3rd Sectors Priorities Safeguarding

6 Community & Third Sector
Roles City Partner Group Brings together the leads for the various partnerships, other partners, businesses, community and third sector – it is NOT A REPORTING body, but provides COORDINATION { Community & Third Sector Engagement and influence through: Third Sector Leadership Group Community Committees Communities of Identity { City Partner Group This replaces the current Partnership Executive and Salford Place Board. It will bring together the leads for the various partnerships, other partners, business, community and third sector to: Ensure all sectors are included in directing the priorities of the city; providing a ‘shared space’ for collective thinking, discussion and agreement Bring together the common elements of the various partnerships and help to ensure individual partnership priorities are shared Co-ordinate activities and reduce fragmentation Review performance Challenge and resolve issues and identify projects to be undertaken; with an emphasis on being action focussed and commissioning a task and finish approach Steer reform and efficiency Govern the direction of cross-cutting issues including cohesion, community engagement and empowerment Consider the wider Greater Manchester and national issues and opportunities Forum Widespread and meaningful input to help shape the city: City Plan, vision & priorities Clarity, understanding, consensus and a sounding board for progress Opportunity to consider major issues, joint learning, co-production and co-operation {

7 Meetings Group No. Meetings Current New Partnership Forum (Conference)
1 Partnership Executive 4 - Salford Place Board 6 City Mayor’s Partner Group Total 11 5 City Partner Group This will meet quarterly. Family of Partnerships and City Partner Group It is proposed that as part of the usual meetings of the various partnerships; two to be coordinated on the same day every six months, followed by a meeting of the City Partner Group, reducing the burden on specific members to share information between the different groups. Forum To retain the annual forum as a citywide community engagement activity. Review of sub-groups It has been proposed that the 80+ sub groups that exist within the Family of Partnerships are reviewed to identify duplication of activity / membership and potential for reducing meetings etc.

8 inc. Family of Partnerships
Membership Forum Wider community City Partner Group 30 representatives inc. Family of Partnerships Safeguarding Private Sector Third Sector Membership of the City Partnership will be by organisation or other body (eg, forum, partnership, etc). All partners will be required to agree to the terms or protocols associated with membership. The success of the partnership relies on the will and commitment of its members. Partners will identify the most suitable representative who can make a decision on behalf of their organisation, body or sector. Suggestions for the City Partner Group include the chairs for the for the various Family of Partnership and Safeguarding bodies plus: Salford City Council Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Greater Manchester Police Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Probation Trust Salford NHS Clinical Commissioning Group Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Jobcentre Plus University of Salford Salford City College Primary Schools Secondary Schools City West Housing Trust Salix Homes Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Salford Community and Voluntary Services Community Committees x2 Third Sector Leadership Group x2 Faith sector representative

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