Types of Computers. Submitted by:- JAYESH MALI

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1 Types of Computers. Submitted by:- JAYESH MALI
Enrolment No.: Dr. VINIT KUMAR School of library and information science Central university of gujarat

2 Content Introduction. Types of computers. Personal Computer.
Workstation. Mini computers. Mainframe Computers. Super Computers. References.

3 Introduction Since the advent of the first computer different types and sizes of computers are offering different services. Computers can be as big as occupying a large building and as small as a laptop or a micro controller in mobile & embedded systems.

4 1. Types of computer Five types of Computers. Personal Computer.
Work station. Mini computer. Main Frame computer. Super Computer.

5 3. Personal Computer(PC)
It is designed as single user system. It having moderately powerful microprocessor. It is Small, relatively inexpensive computer. It is use personal computers for word processing, Accounting, Spreadsheet, data base management application, etc. Mostly at home use for playing games and internet surfing. It is also support Local Network or internet. it is available in assemble and branded system. (HP, DELL, LENOVO, etc)


7 4. Work station. A workstation is a computer dedicated to a user or group of users engaged in business or professional work. Multitasking capability. It includes one or more high resolution displays. It has faster processor than a Personal Computer. Cont……

8 Cont.…… It has higher-speed graphics adapters and more connected peripherals. It share network resources with one or more large client computers and Network Server. Specially usage for image rendering and editing, Computer-aided design (CAD), Animations, etc. The first industry Segment to market collaboration tools. It has additional memory sockets for registered modules. Multiple Processor Sockets for more powerful CPUs. Mostly LINUX, UNIX and Windows Server as well as operating systems are prefer. The movie TOY STORY was made on a set of Sun (Sparc) Workstations.


10 5. Mini computer. It is a midsize Multi-Processing System capable of supporting up to 250 users simultaneously. Mini computers are also called as “Midrange Computers”. Cont…

11 Cont.…… It used by Small Businesses & Firms.
These computers are not designed for a single user. It is designed for specific Purposes. For Example, a production department can use there computer for monitoring certain production process. Most popular Mini Computers are, -K-202 -Texas Instrument TI-990 -IBM Mid range Computer.


13 6. Main Frame computer. Mainframe Computers is very large in size and is an expensive. It is capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously. Cont…

14 Cont.…. It is executes many programs concurrently and supports many simultaneous execution of programs. It accommodated in large air conditioned rooms, because of its size. Mainframe computers are not as powerful as Supercomputers. Many large firms, government organizations, Bank, Educational Institute and Insurance Companies are use this systems. Popular mainframe Computers are, -Fujisu’s ICL VME -Hitachi’s Z800

15 7. Super Computer. The most powerful Computers in terms of performance and data processing are the Supercomputers. These are specialized and task specific computers. Cont…

16 Cont.….. These Computers are used for research and exploration purposes. It use very expensive and very large in size. Some Super Computers can span an entire building. Supercomputers are perform on Flops( Floating Point operations per Second). Seymour Cry designed the first Supercomputer “ CDC 6600” in 1964. Now China has the world’s fastest Super Computer “Tianhe -2”. It is perform on Petaflops. Space Exploration, Earthquake Studies, Weather Forecasting, nuclear Weapons Testing. The INDIA’s supercomputer name “ PARAM II Yuva”.



19 8. references. http://www.byte-notes.com/four-types-computers


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