CHAPTER 12: Many Centers Meeting

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1 CHAPTER 12: Many Centers Meeting
contact conflict cooperation combination

2 challenges to Protestant center
Conflict challenges to Protestant center new immigrants new religious movements internal divisions Protestant fears discrimination against “others”

3 The Roman Catholic “Plot”
Catholics were seen as suspicious “superstitions” celibacy secrecy of convents authoritarian foreign leader Textbook description of this image: “The Aim of Pope Pius IX, This titled cartoon from a Protestant nativist flyer advertised the Reverend Isaac Kelso’s Danger in the Dark, an anti-Catholic novel. With the cartoon’s depiction of the pope destroying the U.S. Constitution, note the irony of the caption’s allusion to ‘Romish intolerance.’”

4 nativist organizations
Nativist Reactions war against nunneries convent burned Maria Monk’s Awful Disclosures nativist organizations Know-Nothing party KKK

5 Decline of Anti-Catholicism
John F. Kennedy 1st Catholic president addressed fears of Catholicism Vatican Council II reforms alliances with conservative Protestants

6 The Jewish “Conspiracy”
anti-Semitism in late 19th century accused of banking conspiracy history as moneylenders accused of being “Christ-killers” lynching of Leo Frank

7 The Pluralist Struggle
strategies to maintain distinctions separation reinterpreting boundaries boundary markers resistance mission work

8 Extremes of Separation
Jim Jones & Peoples Temple Jonestown in Guyana prophetic message of liberation mass religious suicide ultimate separation of death

9 Using Missions to Counter the Mainstream
Mormon missionaries Christian Science reading rooms Jehovah’s Witnesses “publishers” ISKCON flower sales at airports

10 Protestant Pluralism: Liberal vs. Conservative
Social & political battle for the center: abortion same-sex marriage feminism evolution affirmative action immigration capital punishment

11 Conservative coalitions Liberal coalitions
Unlikely Partners Conservative coalitions Evangelical / Catholic / Mormon / Orthodox Jew Liberal coalitions liberal Protestant / secular humanist / ”spiritual” Catholic-Jewish relations Jewish-black relations

12 Religious Combinations
a culture exploring ways to unify creation of an American identity Non-Protestant groups adopted: “Protestant-style” worship Sunday services denominational organization millennialism

13 Summing Up the Present dialectic between the One & the Many
expansion & contraction reactions of conflict & combination Millennialism and its Problems-postponing present resolutions by living in the future

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