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CHAPTER 2 Emarketing Excellence 4e by Dave Chaffey and PR Smith

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 2 Emarketing Excellence 4e by Dave Chaffey and PR Smith"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 2 Emarketing Excellence 4e by Dave Chaffey and PR Smith

2 Figure 2.1

3 Figure 2.2

4 Figure 2.3

5 Figure 2.4

6 Figure 2.5

7 Figure 2.6

8 Figure 2.7

9 Figure 2.8

10 Figure 2.9

11 Figure 2.10 Agency Magma, New York. Director: PhillyK

12 Figure 2.11

13 Figure 2.12

14 Figure 2.13a

15 Figure 2.13b

16 Figure 2.14

17 Table 2.1

18 Table 2.2 1 Does senior management support integrated marketing communications and the importance of the brand? 2 Do you integrate at different levels by putting IMC and the brand on the agenda of different meetings; horizontally between managers in different functions such as distribution and production, the web master and the sales team, etc.? 3 Do you have design guidelines or a brand book which maintains common visual standards for logos, typefaces and colours? 4 Is there a clear marketing communications strategy with clearly defined brand values, brand positioning and brand personality which is linked into the core of every communication? 5 Do you start from scratch with a zero budget and define exactly what is required – build a new communications plan by specifying the resources needed and prioritizing communications activity accordingly? 6 Do you think customers first and identify a contact strategy (a sequence of communications) for different customer segments who are at different stages in the customer lifecycle? 7 Do you build relationships and brand values with all communications? Do you ask ‘how does this help the customer? Does this strengthen my brand? 8 Do you have a good marketing information system which defines, firstly, who needs what information when and, secondly, which communications tools are working better than others? Do you always consider how campaigns and traffic generating ideas can be integrated with other tools and techniques? Do you share artwork across all the communications mix – both online and offline? . Are you prepared to constantly improve by closely monitoring what works and optimizing the best communications tools?

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