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Chapter 8 Campaign planning for digital media

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1 Chapter 8 Campaign planning for digital media

2 Learning objectives Assess the difference in communications characteristics between digital and traditional media Identify the main success factors in managing a digital campaign Understand the importance of integrating online and offline communications Relate promotion techniques to methods of measuring site effectiveness

3 Questions for marketers
How do the characteristics of digital media differ from those of traditional media? How should I plan an online marketing campaign? How do I choose the best mix of online and offline communications techniques?

4 Key campaign planning issues
Goal setting and tracking – which specific goals should be set for online campaigns and how do we measure success? What response mechanisms will be most effective? Campaign insight – which data about customer and competitor behaviour is available to inform our decision? Segmentation and targeting – how can we target and reach our different audiences? Offer and message development. How do we specify our offer and key messages? Budgeting and selecting the digital media mix – How should we set the budget and invest in different forms of digital media? Integration into overall media schedule or plan – how should we plan the media schedule which incorporates different waves of online and offline communications?

5 Characteristics of interactive marketing communications
From push to pull From monologue to dialogue From one to-many to one-to-some and one-to-one From one-to-many to many-to-many From lean-back to lean-forward Changes in nature of marketing communications Increase in communications intermediaries Integration

6 Figure 8.1 The VW Passat: Midlife Crisis Retreat campaign

7 Figure 8.2 IKEA Malmö store: opening campaign example

8 Figure 8.3 Threadless (

9 Figure 8.4 The differences between one-to-many and one-to-one communication using the Internet [organisation (O) communicating a message (M) to customers (C)]

10 Figure 8.5 The communications model of Schramm (1955) applied to the Internet

11 Table 8.1 Summary of differences in characteristics of traditional media and digital media (note that rows 10–12 are similarities between the two media types)

12 Table 8.2 Comparison of the properties of different media

13 Figure 8.6 Summary of the different characteristics of media
Source: Millward Brown Qualitative

14 Figure 8.7 Measures used for setting campaign objectives or assessing campaign success increasing in sophistication from bottom to top

15 Figure 8.8 An example of effectiveness measures for an online ad campaign

16 Figure 8.9 Conversion marketing approach to objective setting for web communications

17 Figure 8.10 Range of response mechanisms from online media

18 Figure 8.11 Alternative response mechanisms for a business-to-business landing page example

19 Table 8.3 A range of targeting and segmentation approaches for a digital campaign

20 Figure 8.12 Example of CODAR framework for integrated communications

21 Figure Options for the online vs offline communications mix: (a) online > offline, (b) similar online and offline, (c) offline > online

22 Figure Recommendations of the mix of investment in digital media for direct and brand response campaign Source: Zed Media (

23 Figure 8.15 Example of different referrers contributing to a sale for a car rental company

24 Figure 8.16 Examples of the referring mix for an airline.
Source: Lee (2011)

25 Figure Example of the sequence of visits to a site in generating conversions where two or more digital media channels were involved (Codes for channels: D = Display, S = Search, X = Aggregator)

26 Figure 8.18 Spreadsheet template for digital campaign budgeting

27 Figure 8.19 Lynx Effect campaign microsite (

28 Figure 8.20 Integration of different communications tools through time

29 Integrated marketing communications 1
Coherence Consistency Continuity Complementary

30 Integrated marketing communications 2
Based on clearly identified marketing communications objectives Full range of target audiences Management of all forms of contact Range of promotional tools Range of media Selection of most effective tools and media

31 Figure 8.21 The Tourism Ireland Taxi Challenge
Source: Tourism Ireland (

32 Figure 8. 22 Facebook social plug-ins (http:developers. facebook

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