Parts of a Plant: Leaves and Flowers

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a Plant: Leaves and Flowers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a Plant: Leaves and Flowers

2 A plant’s leaves make up a leaf system.

3 A system consists of parts that work together.

4 Leaves come in many shapes and sizes and help green plants make their food.

5 To make food leaves use air, water, and the energy of the sunlight.

6 Carbon Dioxide is a gas in the air that plants need to make food
Carbon Dioxide is a gas in the air that plants need to make food. It enters the plant through tiny holes on the leaves.

7 Water comes from the soil through the roots and stem into each leaf.

8 The leaves change the carbon Dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen.

9 The oxygen exits the plant from the leaves and the plant uses the sugar to live and grow.


11 Flowers make a sticky powder called pollen that helps them make new plants.

12 Flowers also help the plant make seeds and fruit.

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