Lines, Angles and Triangles

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Presentation on theme: "Lines, Angles and Triangles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Opening routine

2 Topic II: Lines, Angles and Triangles

3 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Objective: Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Essential Question: Is it possible to divide an angle into two equal parts using a geometric construction?

4 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Vocabulary Construct: To create or draw geometric figures using only tools such as a compass and straightedge; measuring of lengths or angles is not permitted. Compass: Instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint. Straightedge: A ruler with no markings on it.

5 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Vocabulary Equidistant: Lines or arcs that are the same distance apart at every point. Angle Bisector: A line that bisects an interior angle. Perpendicular Bisector: A line that is perpendicular to a segment at its midpoint.

6 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a line segment that is congruent to AB

7 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct an angle that is congruent to B

8 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a line that bisect segment PQ

9 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a bisector to angle PQR

10 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a perpendicular from a point off a line

11 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a line parallel to segment PQ through point R

12 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle

13 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Construct a square given a side

14 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions YOU DO - Independent Practice Worksheet Pages 1 and 2

15 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Geometric Constructions Homework Worksheet Geometric Constructions Packet Pages 2 and 8

16 Lines, Angles and Triangles
Parallel and perpendicular lines Closure Essential Question: Is it possible to divide an angle into two equal parts using a geometric construction?

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