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Geometric Constructions: Congruent Segments and Congruent Angles Geometry Mr. Zampetti Unit 2, Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometric Constructions: Congruent Segments and Congruent Angles Geometry Mr. Zampetti Unit 2, Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometric Constructions: Congruent Segments and Congruent Angles Geometry Mr. Zampetti Unit 2, Day 1

2 5 Types of Constructions Congruent Segments Congruent Angles Perpendicular Bisectors Angle Bisectors Parallel Lines

3 Needed Materials: Compass ( an instrument for drawing or describing circles, measuring distances, etc., consisting generally of two movable, rigid legs hinged to each other at one end) Straight Edge

4 Constructing Congruent Segments You will be given a segment that looks similar to this: AB

5 Constructing Congruent Segments Step 1: Draw a reference line with your straightedge upon which you will make your construction Step 2: Place a starting point on the reference line (A’) Step 3: Place the point of the compass on Point A

6 Constructing Congruent Segments Step 4: Stretch the compass so that the pencil is exactly on Point B. Step 5: Without changing the span of the compass, place the compass point on A’ and swing the pencil so that it crosses the reference line. Label that B’

7 Watch the video!

8 Now practice…

9 Constructing Congruent Angles You will be given an angle that looks similar to this: B A C

10 Constructing Congruent Angles Step 1: Draw a reference line with your straightedge upon which you will make your construction Step 2: Place a starting point on the reference line (A’) Step 3: Place the point of the compass on the vertex (Point A)

11 Construction Congruent Angles Step 4: Stretch the compass to any length so long as it stays ON the angle Step 5: Swing an arc with the pencil that crosses both sides of  BAC Step 6: Without changing the span of the compass, place the compass point on A’ and swing an arc that will intersect the reference line and go above the reference line.

12 Construction Congruent Angles Step 7: Go back to  BAC and measure the width of where the arc crosses the rays that form the angle Step 8: With this width, place the compass point on the reference line where your new arc crosses and mark off this width on your new arc. Step 9: Connect this new intersection point to the starting point on the reference line.

13 Watch the video!

14 Now practice…

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