Night Vocabulary Chapters 5-9

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1 Night Vocabulary Chapters 5-9
Holocaust Unit Night Vocabulary Chapters 5-9

2 Chapter 5 Vocabulary – 4 words
lament v. to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow or regret “But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong” (Wiesel 68). emaciated adj. abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or lack of food “He was still trying to smile. A poor emaciated Jew questioned him anxiously, his voice trembling” (Wiesel 73). prophecies n. predictions or foretelling what is to come “It wasn’t the first time that false prophets announced to us…Only this time, these prophecies seemed more founded” (Wiesel 80). masquerade n. a social gathering of persons wearing masks and other costumes “The prisoners showed up in all kinds of strange garb; it looked like a masquerade” (Wiesel 83).

3 Chapter 6 Vocabulary – 4 words
plaintive adj. sounding sad and mournful “Not a sound of distress, not a plaintive cry, nothing but mass agony and silence” (Wiesel 89). conscientiously adv. carefully and painstakingly “But death hardly needed their help. The cold was conscientiously doing its work. At every step, somebody fell down and ceased to suffer” (Wiesel 92). melancholy adj. sadly thoughtful; mournful; gloomy state of mind “Even today, when I hear that particular piece by Beethoven, my eyes close and out of the darkness emerges the pale and melancholy face of my Polish comrade bidding farewell to an audience of dying men” (Wiesel 95). poignant adj. evoking a sharp sense of sadness or regret “When I awoke at daybreak, I saw Juliek facing me, hunched over, dead. Next to him lay his violin, trampled, an eerily poignant little corpse” (Wiesel 95).

4 Chapter 7-8 Vocabulary – 4 words
vitality n. liveliness; state of strong and active energy “Beasts of prey unleashed, animal hate in their eyes. An extraordinary vitality possessed them, sharpening their teeth and nails” (Wiesel 101). vulnerable adj. susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm “He had become childlike: weak, frightened, vulnerable” (Wiesel 105). prostrate adj. lying stretched out with face downward “Suffering from dysentery, my father was prostrate on his cot, with another five sick inmates nearby” (Wiesel 108). riveted v. joined or fastened to “But I had neither the courage nor the strength. I was riveted to my father’s agony. My hands were aching, I was clenching them so hard” (Wiesel 109).

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