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1 BlackFish

2 About this documentary
This film is all about whales and animal trainers. This film tells you opinions on should whales be used for entertainment at sea world and should whales be kept in captivity. It also shows you how the main directors and owners of sea world lie about whale attacks and the deaths of there trainers.

3 How it caused controversy?
Some people believed that the whales were going insane from being kept in captivity or getting there calf taken away, that’s why they were attacking the trainers. Some people believed that this was not the case as sea world gave them a better life because they were cared for and fed well. This was not always the case.

4 Hypodermic needle theory
In this documentary it showed the police and the news feeding people information what was in fact all the wrong information as sea world were lying about the attacks and causes of death of the trainers because they wanted more money and didn’t want to close down.

5 Uses and gratification theory
I personally agree with this theory as you are more entertained by this as you have chose to watch it. However you have been persuaded to watch it by the look of it or the colours/ actors used. I don’t agree with the hypodermic needle theory as information is being injected into you and you're being led to believe that information.

6 Why people prefer the hypodermic needle theory.
It effects them and by effecting them it has made an either positive or negative impact on there life. It creates a trend. Could give people an insight and a better view on things.

7 Why people dislike the hypodermic needle theory.
Change of beliefs, could cause arguments as different people could be hearing loads of different stories about the same topic and it could cause lot of controversy. Its very bias. Could be too many stories and people would not know what to believe.

8 Why people would agree with my opinion on the uses and gratification theory.
People are entertained and want to watch it. It gives people what they want. Makes people happy.

9 Why people wouldn’t like the uses and gratification theory.
The uses and gratification theory allows the audience to choose what they would like to watch. However the audience aren't really choosing what they want to watch, they are being persuaded and in other words, forced to watch whatever captures the audience attention.

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