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News from LRE members - Portugal

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1 News from LRE members - Portugal
Same repository different approaches Fernando Rui Campos FIERA DIDACTA - Florence 27 september 2017

2 Context - Infrastruture
users 5000 logic networks Simultaneus sessions > 90 % web browser http requests per second Ipv4 & ipv6 LAN by school using virtual networks adapted according to user profile (teacher, student, administrative) Source: DAMTE - Support and Technological Modernization of Schools - DGEEC

3 Context – Infrastruture (cont.)
Responsabilities Secondary schools – Ministry of Education Primary School – Municipalities Technical measures to support pedagogical challenges On Progress QoS – implementation Traffic segmentation to pedagogical enrichment web sites and digital manuals

4 Connectivity

5 Atual context – Repository
Management & support from MoE Maintenance by third party at infrastructure level Budget constrains for improvements

6 Working :colections/School Library Network
RTP Ensina RBE

7 Requests from Schools Library Network (RBE)
Personalize , including integration with their social networks; Curriculum organized resources; Aggregation resources to support different subject teachers in the schools; Resources with suggestion to support diferent levels and curriculum subjects; Autonomy to insert/validade and create personalyzed OER resources.

8 Goals from School Library Network?
Organize dispersed information and centralize it in one place; Promote curricular articulation with the school library; Promote the integrated use of resources produced by RBE partners (eg BN, Pordata, Casa das ciências ...); Be Sharable. Source: RBE – Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares (School Library Network)

9 Model for creation RBE – OER/No OER
Responsive design – Desktop, Tablet, smartphone Build to be configurable by School Library Network teachers using basic editing tools (notepad++) with none programming skills Adapted to diferent types of resources (Web pages, Books,…) Created collaboratively between DGEEC and RBE according to the existing technical criteria of the School Portal (DGEEC) and the needs of the School Library Network (RBE) Source: RBE – Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares (School Library Network)

10 Structured TAGS Source - RBE

11 Resources Thumbnails organized by types?
Video Webpages Books Reading Games Apps

12 Fast overview for diferent types


14 Dissemination – Resources RBE
Maybe a key factor Support through the librarian teacher in schools Without pedagogical support to teachers, local and in their own context; Without technical and copyright easy rules; Without organizational support at different level (Moe, municipalities, head teachers,…) to the actors in the educational community; The journey could be: long, not pedagogical efficient and expensive to all…

15 Fernando Rui Campos DGEEC

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