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DIP 2005 Final Project Proposal

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Presentation on theme: "DIP 2005 Final Project Proposal"— Presentation transcript:

1 DIP 2005 Final Project Proposal
B 張鶴齡 B 林易增

2 We choose 定題組 : LDPC Encoder .
and we will implement following papers:

3 Paper 1 Block-LDPC: A Practical LDPC Coding System Design Approach
Hao Zhong, Student Member, IEEE, and Tong Zhang, Member, IEEE

4 Abstract Encoder/Decoder oriented design
Sparse matrix linear time multiplication  Task scheduling Pipeling encoding structure

5 Sparse matrix linear time multiplication

6 Pipelining encoding structure

7 Paper 2 Efficient Encoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
Thomas J. Richardson and Rüdiger L. Urbanke

8 Abstract The main encode algorithm of Paper 1
Use Greedy algorithm to find the equivalent parity-check matrix in approximate lower triangular form

9 The main encode algorithm

10 Progress Proposal - today Use C to simulate - 1 weeks
Architecture presentation RTL coding weeks Progress update Final Presentation

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