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Positive Behavior Interventions

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Interventions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Interventions
By: Katie Challberg

2 Agenda FBA’s and Positive Behavior Interventions Where to Start
Functions Writing Positive Behavior Intervention Plans Strategies

3 What is an FBA? FBA is a process Identifying Results Interviews
Observations Behavioral Data Identifying The behavior Where/When behavior is happening Consequences Results Determine the function

4 What is a Positive Behavior Intervention?
System Decrease Negative Behavior Positive Replacement Behavior Effective Plans Teach new skills and manipulate the environment Hypothesis Driven Student Centered Utilize Multiple Interventions

5 Who should have an FBA/PBSP?
Any student with behavior that interferes with learning. Any student who might need Conditional Procedures/Physical Intervention for dangerous behavior Every EBD student After any Manifestation Determination If a more restrictive placement is considered

6 Who needs an FBA/PBSP

7 How does it work? All behavior happens for a reason…
If you can find the reason, you can begin to change the behavior

8 Where to Start Identify and Clearly Describe Behavior
If you can’t describe it, they can’t change it Stranger Test / Dead Man Test Identify Triggers Events Times Situations Identify Consequences What is the function?

9 Functions of Behavior Power/Control Protection/Escape/Avoidance
Attention Acceptance Expression of Self Sensory Justice/Revenge

10 Develop Hypothesis Describe Behavior Identify When it Happens
Identify the function

11 Effective Intervention Plans
Effective Intervention Plans are… Hypothesis Driven Teach Skills Student Centered Use Multiple Interventions Effective Interventions Plans will… Decrease Negative Behavior Increase Replacement Behavior Provide Consistency

12 Writing the Plan Antecedents/Triggers Alternative Skills Being Taught
Can I be proactive and stop behavior before it starts? Alternative Skills Being Taught Communication Skills Anger Management Self-Awareness/Self-Regulation Coping Skills Problem Solving Skills Relationship Building Skills Basic Classroom Behaviors (16)

13 Writing the Plan Instructional Consequence Strategies
How will behavior be reinforced? Reduction Oriented Consequence Strategies How will negative behavior be deterred? Sample Plan 1 Sample Plan 2 Sample Plan 3

14 Strategies Power/Control
Provide Choices – Do you want to write the summary or review the questions first? First Then Rationale – First show me you finished the problem, then we can talk about… Prompt Cards – Nonverbal directions / cues that limit opportunities to argue Avoid Arguments/ Power Struggles Use Empathy Statements – Boys Town Model Allow Students Time to make better choices Point/Reward System

15 Strategies Escape/Avoidance Provide Choices
Verbal Praise – Be Specific Point/Reward System Break Passes – (Use with caution) Agendas/Visual Schedules Allow Processing Time Break up difficult / dislikes tasks

16 Strategies Attention Provide opportunity for 1 – to – 1 time
Confidence Building Activities – A lack of confidence make be creating a constant need for validation. Assign student responsibilities Incorporate hand signals / gestures Praise Positive / Ignore Negative Incorporate Self-Monitoring, Evaluation, and Rewards

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